Page 27 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 27

Property ―2‖                  9,50,000                       17,50,000
                         Investment Properties
                         Property ―3‖ (1,200,000 – 80,000)                            11,20,000

                         Equity and Liabilities
                         Other Equity
                         Revaluation Reserve
                         Property ―1‖          [8,00,000 – (7,50,000 – 75,000)]        1,25,000
             The  revaluation  reserve  should  be  routed  through  Other  Comprehensive  Income  (subsequently  not
             reclassified to Profit and Loss) and shown in a separate column under Statement of Changes in Equity.

        Working Notes:
                           Particulars               Property 1        Property 2          Property 3
                Purchase Price                      Rs. 7,50,000      Rs. 10,50,000       Rs. 12,00,000
                Estimated Life                        10 years          15 years             15 years
                Depreciation for the year            Rs. 75,000         Rs. 70,000         Rs. 80,000
                Carrying   Value   as   on   31st   Rs. 6,75,000       Rs. 9,80,000        Rs. 11,20,000
                March, 2021
                Fair    Value     as   on   31st    Rs. 8,00,000       Rs. 9,50,000       Rs. 13,00,000
                March, 2021
                Subsequent Measurement Revaluation     Fair Value      Fair Value (Rs.        Cost
                Surplus / (Deficit)                   Rs. 1,25,000        30,000)

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