Page 24 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 24


        In accordance with Ind AS 16, all costs required to bring an asset to its present location and condition for its

        intended use should be capitalised. Therefore, the initial purchase price of the building would be:

                                            Particulars                                Amount Rs.

               Purchase amount                                                          50,00,000
               Non-refundable property tax                                               2,50,000
               Direct legal cost                                                          50,000
               Expenditures on redevelopment:
               Building plan approval                                                    1,00,000
               Construction costs (10,00,000 – 60,000)                                   9,4,000
               Total amount to be capitalised at 1st October 2019                       63,40,000

        Treatment of abnormal wastage of material and labour:
        As per Ind AS 16, the cost of abnormal amounts of wasted material, labour, or other resources incurred in
        self-constructing an asset is not included in the cost of the asset.
        It will be charged to Profit and Loss in the year it is incurred. Hence, abnormal wastage of Rs. 40,000 will

        be expensed off in Profit & Loss in the financial year 2019-2020.

        Accounting of property- Building:
        When  the  property  is  used  as  an  administrative  centre,  it  is  not  an  investment  property,  rather  it  is  an
        ―owner occupied property‖. Hence, Ind AS 16 will be applicable.

        When the property (land and/or buildings) is held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation (or both), it is
        an Investment property. Ind AS 40 prescribes the cost model for accounting of such investment property.
        Since  equal  value  can  be  attributed  to  each  floor,  Ground  Floor  of  the  building  will  be  considered  as
        Investment Property and accounted as per Ind AS 40 and First Floor would be considered as Property, Plant
        and Equipment and accounted as per Ind AS 16.

        Cost of each floor = Rs.63,40,000 / 2 = Rs. 31,70,000

        As on 1st October 2019, the carrying value of building vis-à-vis its classification would be as follows:
        (i)  In  Separate  Financial  Statements:  The  Ground  Floor  of  the  building  will  be  classified  as  investment
             property for Rs. 31,70,000, as it is property held to earn rentals. While First Floor of the building will be
             classified as item of property, plant and equipment for Rs. 31,70,000.

        (ii)  In Consolidated Financial Statements: The consolidated financial statements present the parent and its
             subsidiary  as  a  single  entity.  The  consolidated  entity  uses  the  building  for  the  supply  of  goods.
             Therefore,  the  leased-out  property  to  a  subsidiary  does  not  qualify  as  investment  property  in  the

             consolidated financial statements. Hence, the whole building will be classified as an item of Property,
             Plant and Equipment for Rs. 63,40,000.

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