Page 25 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
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Q18. (July. 21 - 8 Marks) – Mix of IndAS 16 & IndAS 40

        Special Limited is a multinational entity that owns 3 properties. All 3 properties were purchased on 1  April,
        2020. The following details were furnished:

                                 Particulars              Property 1    Property 2      Property 3
                     Purchase Price                      Rs. 7,50,000   Rs. 10,50,000   Rs. 12,00,000

                     Estimated life                        10 years      15 years        15 years
                     Fair value as on 31  March, 2021    Rs. 8,00,000   Rs. 9,50,000   Rs. 13,00,000

        The  Company  uses  Property  1  and  Property  2  for  its  business  purposes.  The  Company  is  exploring  the
        opportunity to sell Property 3 if it gets reasonable consideration. Till the time it is not sold, the Company
        has rented the property.

        It has adopted revaluation model for subsequent measurement of these properties. The depreciation is charged
        on straight line method. However, the Company has not charged any depreciation on Property 1 and Property
        3  tor  the  current  year  since  the  fair  value  of  properties  exceeds  their  carrying  amount.  The  difference
        between their fair value and carrying amount has been recognized in the statement of profit and loss. The
        properties are shown under the head property, plant and equipment in the Balance Sheet.
        Analyze whether the accounting policies adopted by the Company in relation to the given properties are in

        accordance with Ind AS. If not, advise the correct treatment and present an extract of the Balance Sheet for
        the year ended 31  March 2021.

        (a) Preamble:
           The given issue needs to be examined in the umbrella of the provisions given in Ind AS 1 ―Presentation of

           Financial Statements‖, Ind AS 16 ―Property, Plant and Equipment‖ in relation to property ―1‖ and ―2‖ and
           Ind AS 40 ―Investment Property‖ in relation to property ―3‖.
           Guidance given in relevant Ind AS:
        1. Property ‘1’ and ‘2’
           Definition and applicability:

           As per Ind AS 16, Property plant and equipment are tangible items that:
             (a)  are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes; and
             (b)  are expected to be used during more than one period.
           Hence, property 1 and 2 are held for use in the business, therefore Ind AS 16 shall apply in respect of

           these two properties.

           Accounting Principles:

           - If an asset‖s carrying amount is increased as a result of a revaluation, the increase shall be recognised
           in  other  comprehensive  income  and  accumulated  in  equity  under  the  heading  of  revaluation  surplus.
           However, the  increase  shall  be  recognised  in profit  or loss  to the  extent that  it  reverses  a  revaluation
           decrease of the same asset previously recognised in profit or loss.

           If an asset‖s carrying amount is decreased as a result of revaluation, the decrease shall be recognised in
           profit and loss statement.

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