Page 11 - 5. COMPILER QB - INDAS 40
P. 11

Accounting Principles:
            -  If an asset’s carrying amount is increased as a result of a revaluation, the increase shall be recognised
               in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity under the heading of revaluation surplus.

               However, the increase shall be recognised in profit or loss to the extent that it reverses a revaluation
               decrease of the same asset previously recognised in profit or loss.
               If an asset’s carrying amount is decreased as a result of revaluation, the decrease shall be recognised in
               the profit and loss statement.
        2. Property ‘3’

           As per Ind AS 40, Investment property is property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both,
           rather than for:
            -  Use in the production of goods or services or for administrative purposes; or
            -  Sale in the ordinary course of business.
           Therefore,  property  3  is  an  investment  property  and  the  company  shall  follow  a  cost  model  for  its

           subsequent measurement.

        Accounting Principles:
            -  An entity shall adopt as its accounting policy the cost model to all of its investment property; and
            -  requires that an entity shall disclose the fair value of investment property.

           Further, Ind AS 1 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’ requires that as a minimum, the balance sheet
           shall include line items that present the following amounts:
            a.  Property, Plant and Equipment
            b.  Investment Property.

           As per the facts given in the question, Special Ltd. has
            a.  Presented all three properties in balance sheet as ‘property, plant and equipment’;
            b.  Not charged depreciation to Property ‘1’ and ‘3’;
            c.  Upward revaluation is recognised in the statement of profit and loss as profit; and

            d.  Applied revaluation model to Property ‘3’ being classified as Investment Property.

           With  respect  to  the  accounting  principles,  the  accounting  treatment  by  Special  Ltd.  is  not  correct.
           Accordingly, Special Ltd. shall depreciate Property 1 irrespective of the fact that their fair value exceeds
           the carrying amount.

            ●  The revaluation gain shall be recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity
               under the heading of revaluation surplus.
            ●  There is no alternative of revaluation model in respect to property ‘3’ being classified as Investment
               Property and only cost model is permitted for subsequent measurement.
            ●  However, Special Ltd. is required to disclose the fair value of the property in the Notes to Accounts.
            ●  Further,  Property  ‘3’  shall  be  presented  as  a  separate  line  item  as  Investment  Property  and

               depreciation should be charged on it as well.
           Therefore, as per the provisions of Ind AS 1, Ind AS 16 and Ind AS 40, the presentation of these three
           properties in the balance sheet will be as follows:
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