Page 6 - 5. COMPILER QB - INDAS 40
P. 6


        As  per  Ind  AS  40,  any  land  held  for  currently  an  undetermined  future  use,  should  be  classified  as  an
        investment property. Hence, in this case, the land would be regarded as held for capital appreciation. Hence
        the land property should be classified by X Ltd as investment property in the financial statements as at 31
        March 20X1.

        As per the Standard, an entity can change the classification of any property to, and from, an investment
        property when and only when evidenced by a change in use.  A change occurs when the property meets or
        ceases  to  meet  the  definition  of  investment  property  and  there  is  evidence  of  the  change  in  use.  Mere
        management’s intention for use of the property does not provide evidence of a change in use.
        (a) Since X Ltd has commenced construction of an office building on it for its own use, the property should

            be reclassified from investment property to owner occupied as at 31 March 20X2.
        (b) Transfers between investment property, owner occupied and inventories do not change the carrying amount
            of the property transferred and they do not change the cost of the property for measurement or disclosure
        (c) No. The change in classification to, or from, investment properties is due to change in use of the property.
            No retrospective application is required and prior period’s financial statements need not be restated.

        (d) Mere management intentions for use of the property do not evidence change in use.  Since X Ltd has no
            plans to commence construction of the office building during 20X1-20X2, the property should continue to
            be classified as an investment property by X Ltd in its financial statements as at 31 March 20X2.

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