Page 8 - 5. COMPILER QB - INDAS 40
P. 8

(in crore)

                                                    PPE (70%)              Investment property (30%)    Total
                                           Land (25%)     Building (75%)
                        Cost                   1.75            5.25                    3                 10
                         FV                   2.625            7.875                  4.5                15
            Valuation model followed           Cost            Cost                Cost
            Value recognized in the books      1.75            5.25                    3
            Less: Depreciation                 Nil          (5.25/50) =           (3/50) = 0.06
                                                            0.105 crore
            Carrying value as on 31st March,   1.75            5.145                  2.94
            Impairment loss                       No impairment loss since fair value is more than the cost
        Note- Do not get confused over here.

        Ind AS 40 will classify an asset. Ind AS 116 will do the recognition and accounting for that asset

        after it is classified as a leasehold property according to Ind AS 40.

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