Page 3 - 5. COMPILER QB - INDAS 40
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The property would be measured under the cost model. This means it will be measured at Rs. 2,00,00,000 at
        each year end.
        On 30th September, 20X5, the property ceases to be an investment property. X Ltd. begins to develop it for

        sale as flats.
        As  per  Ind  AS  40,  transfers  between  investment  property,  owner-occupied  property  and  inventories  do  not
        change the carrying amount of the property transferred and they do not change the cost of that property for
        measurement  or  disclosure  purposes.  Hence,  the  carrying  value  of  the  reclassified  property  will  be  Rs.

        Since the lease of the property is an operating lease, rental income of Rs. 10,00,000 (Rs. 20,00,000 x 6/12)
        would be recognised in P/L for the year ended 31st March, 20X6.
        The additional costs of Rs. 60,00,000 for developing the flats which were incurred up to and including 31st
        March, 20X6 would be added to the ‘cost’ of inventory to give a closing cost of Rs. 2,60,00,000.
        The total selling price of the flats is expected to be Rs. 5,00,00,000 (10 x Rs. 50,00,000). Since the further

        costs to develop the flats total Rs. 40,00,000, their net realizable value is Rs. 4,60,00,000 (Rs. 5,00,00,000 –
        Rs. 40,00,000), so the flats will be measured at a cost of Rs. 2,60,00,000. (cost or NRV, whichever is lower)
        The flats will be shown in inventory as a current asset.

        Q2 (RTP - Nov. 20 & MTP March 21)

        Shaurya Limited owns Building A which is specifically used for the purpose of earning rentals. The Company
        has not been using the building A or any of its facilities for its own use for a long time.  The company is also

        exploring the opportunities to sell the building if it gets the reasonable amount in consideration.
        Following information is relevant for Building A for the year ending 31  March, 2020:
        Building A was purchased 5 years ago at the cost of Rs.10 crore and building life is estimated to be 20 years.

        The company follows a straight line method for depreciation.
        During  the  year,  the  company  has  invested  in  another  Building  B  with  the  purpose  to  hold  it  for  capital
        appreciation. The property was purchased on 1  April, 2019 at the cost of Rs. 2 crore. Expected life of the

        building is 40 years. As usual, the company follows a straight line method of depreciation.
        Further,  during  the  year  2019-2020,  the  company  earned  /  incurred  following  direct  operating  expenditure
        relating to Building A and Building B:
                            Rental income from Building A                       Rs. 75 lakh
                            Rental income from Building B                      Rs. 25 lakh

                            Sales promotion expenses                           Rs. 5 lakh
                            Fees & Taxes                                        Rs. 1 lakh

                            Ground rent                                        Rs. 2.5 lakh
                            Repairs & Maintenance                               Rs. 1.5 lakh
                            Legal & Professional                               Rs. 2 lakh

                            Commission and brokerage                            Rs. 1 lakh
        The  company  does  not  have  any  restrictions  and  contractual  obligations  against  buildings  -  A  and  B.  For
        complying  with  the  requirements  of  Ind  AS,  the  management  sought  an  independent  report  from  the

        specialists so as to ascertain the fair value of buildings A and B. The independent valuer has valued the fair
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