Page 5 - 5. COMPILER QB - INDAS 40
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Less:  Direct  operating  expenses  generating  rental  income
              (5+1+2.5+1.5+2+1)                                                       (0.13)
              Profit  from  investment  properties  before  depreciation  and
              indirect expenses                                                        0.87
              Less: Depreciation                                                      (0.55)
              Profit  from  earnings  from  investment  properties  before
              indirect expenses                                                        0.32

        Disclosure Note on Investment Properties acquired by the entity
        The investment properties consist Property A and Property B. As at 31  March, 2020, the fair value of the

        properties is Rs.10.50 crore. The valuation is performed by independent valuers, who are specialists in valuing
        investment  properties.  A  valuation  model  as  recommended  by  the  International  Valuation  Standards
        Committee  has  been  applied.  The  Company  considers  factors  like  management  intention,  terms  of  rental

        agreements,  area  leased  out,  life  of  the  assets  etc.  to  determine  classification  of  assets  as  investment
        The  Company  has  no  restrictions  on  the  realisability  of  its  investment  properties  and  no  contractual
        obligations  to  purchase,  construct  or  develop  investment  properties  or  for  repairs,  maintenance  and

        Description of valuation techniques used and key inputs to valuation on investment properties:
                            Valuation     Significant unobservable inputs      Range (Weighted
                           technique                                              average)
                         Discounted      -    Estimated rental value per sq.   -   Rs. 50 to Rs. 60
                         cash    flow         ft. per month
                         (DCF)           -    Rent growth per annum         -   10% every 3 years
                         method          -    Discount rate                 -   12% to 13%

        Q3 (May. 21)
        X Ltd owned a land property whose future use was not determined as at 31 March 20X1. How should the

        property be classified in the books of X Ltd as at 31 March 20X1?
        During June 20X1, X Ltd commenced construction of an office building on it for its own use.  Presuming that
        the construction of the office building will still be in progress as at 31 March 20X2
        a)  How should the land property be classified by X Ltd in its financial statements as at 31 March 20X2?

        b)  Will there be a change in the carrying amount of the property resulting from any change in use of the
            investment property?
        c)  Whether the change in classification to, or from, investment properties is a change in accounting policy to
            be accounted for in accordance with Ind AS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and
        d)  Would your answer to (a) above be different if there were to be a management intention to commence

            construction of an office building for own use; however, no construction activity was planned by 31 March

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