Page 17 - 6. COMPILER QB - INDAS 116
P. 17


        Q10. (Nov. 20 – 8 Marks)

        Venus Ltd (Seller-lessee) sells a building to Mars Ltd (Buyer-lessor) for cash of ₹ 28,00,000. Immediately
        before the transaction, the building is carried at a cost of ₹ 13,00,000. At the same time, Seller-lessee enters
        into a contract with Buyer-lessor for the right to use the building for 20 years, with an annual-payments of
        2,00,000 payable at the end of each year.

        The  terms  and  conditions  of  the  transaction  are  such  that  the  transfer  of  the  building  by  Seller-lessee
        satisfies the requirements for determining when a performance obligation is satisfied in accordance with Ind
        AS 115 "Revenue from Contracts with Customers".
        The fair value of the building at the date of sale is ₹ 25,00,000. Initial direct costs, if any, are to be ignored.
        The interest rate implicit in the lease is 12% p.a., which is readily determinable by Seller-lessee. Present Value
        (PV) of annual payments (20 payments of ₹ 2,00,000 each discounted @ 12%) is ₹ 14,94,000.

        Buyer-lessor classifies the lease of the building as an operating lease.
        How should the said transaction be accounted by Venus Ltd?

        Considering facts of the case, Venus Ltd. (seller-lessee) and Mars Ltd. (buyer-lessor) account for the transaction as a
        sale and leaseback.
        Firstly, since the consideration for the sale of the building is not at fair value, Seller-lessee and Buyer - lessor make-
        adjustments to measure the sale proceeds at fair value. Thus, the amount of the excess sale price of ₨.3,00,000 (as

        calculated below) is recognised as additional financing provided by Buyer-lessor to Seller-lessee.
                         Sale Price:                                                  28,00,000
                         Less: Fair Value (at the date of sale):                     (25,00,000)
                         Additional financing provided by Buyer-lessor to Seller-lessee   3,00,000

        The present value of the annual payments is ₨.14,94,000 (as given in the question).
        Out of this ₨.14,94,000, ₨.3,00,000 relates to the additional financing (as calculated above) and balance ₨ .11,94,000
        relates to the lease.
        Accounting by Venus Ltd. (seller-lessee):
        At the commencement date, Seller-lessee measures the ROU asset arising from the leaseback of the building at the
        proportion of the previous carrying amount of the building that relates to the right-of-use retained by Seller-lessee,

        calculated as follows:
                      Carrying Amount                                  (A)                13,00,000
                      Fair Value (at the date of sale)                 (B)                25,00,000
                      Discounted lease payments for the 20-year ROU asset (C)             11,94,000
                      ROU Asset                                        [(A / B) x C]      6,20,880

        Seller-lessee recognizes only the amount of the gain that relates to the rights transferred to Buyer-lessor, calculated as
                     Fair Value (at the date of sale)                 (A)                  25,00,000
                     Carrying Amount                                  (B)                  13,00,000

                     Discounted lease payments for the 20-year ROU asset (C)               11,94,000
                     Gain on sale of building                         (D) = (A - B)        12,00,000
                     Relating to the right to use the building retained by Seller-lessee (E)=[(D/A) x C]   5,73,120

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