Page 13 - 6. COMPILER QB - INDAS 116
P. 13

expedients are elected, the lessee did not incur initial direct costs, there were no lease incentives and there were

        no requirements for the lessee to dismantle and remove the underlying asset, restore the site on which it is
        located or restore the underlying asset to the condition under the terms and conditions of the lease.

        What would be the impact for the lessee as per Ind AS 116 using the following transition approaches:
        (i)  Full Retrospective Approach
        (ii)  Modified Retrospective Approach (when ROU asset is not equal to lease liability)

        Show the impact of adjustments through journal entries, consequent to transition for the year 20X2-20X3 and

                                                Full Retrospective Approach:
        Under the full retrospective approach, the lease liability and the ROU asset are measured on the commencement date

        (i.e., 1st April, 20X1 in this case) using the incremental borrowing rate at lease commencement date (i.e., 12% p.a. in
        this case). The lease liability is accounted for by the interest method subsequently and the ROU asset is subject to
        depreciation on the straight-line basis over the lease term of three years. The Lease Liability and ROU Asset are as

                               Year             Payments (Cash flows)  Present Value  Discounted Cash flows
                                                                        Factor         / Present
                                                                        @ 12%            Value

                           31 Mar 20X2               2,00,000           0.8929          1,78,580
                           31 Mar 20X3               2,00,000           0.7972          1,59,440
                           31 Mar 20X4               2,00,000           0.7118          1,42,360
                                                     6,00,000                           4,80,380
        Lease Liability Schedule:
                           Year        Opening     Interest Expense @ 12%       Payments    Closing
                        31 Mar 20X2    4,80,380            57,646              (2,00,000)   3,38,026
                        31 Mar 20X3    3,38,026            40,563              (2,00,000)   1,78,589
                        31 Mar 20X4    1,78,589            21,411*             (2,00,000)      -
        *Difference is due to approximation

        ROU Asset Schedule:
                              Year                Opening            Depreciation         Closing
                           31 Mar 20X2            4,80,380            (1,60,126)         3,20,254
                           31 Mar 20X3            3,20,254            (1,60,127)          1,60,127
                           31 Mar 20X4            1,60,127            (1,60,127)            -

        The following table shows account balances under this method beginning at lease commencement:

                           Date        ROU Asset      Lease    Interest   Depreciation  Retained Earnings
                                                    Liability   Expense    Expense
                        1 Apr 20X1      4,80,380    4,80,380      -           -              -
                        31 Mar 20X2     3,20,254    3,38,026      -           -              -
                        1 Apr 20X2      3,20,254    3,38,026                              (17,772)
                        31 Mar 20X3     1,60,127    1,78,589    40,563     1,60,127          -

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