Page 12 - 6. COMPILER QB - INDAS 116
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        In the given case, Lessee calculates the ROU asset and the lease liabilities before modification as follows:
                                            Lease Liability                        ROU asset

                            Initial value   Lease   Interest   Closing    Initial   Depreciation   Closing
                                      payments    expense @    balance    Value                balance
                                a         b      c = a x 8%  d = a-b + c   e          f           g
                      1      4,02,600*   60,000    32,208     3,74,808   4,02,600   40,260     3,62,340

                      2      3,74,808   60,000     29,985      3,44,793   3,62,340   40,260    3,22,080
                      3      3,44,793   60,000     27,583      3,12,376   3,22,080   40,260    2,81,820
                      4      3,12,376   60,000     24,990      2,77,366   2,81,820   40,260    2,41,560

                      5      2,77,366   60,000     22,189      2,39,555   2,41,560   40,260    2,01,300
                      6      2,39,555                                    2,01,300

        * Initial value of ROU asset and lease liability = Annual lease payment x annuity factor @ 8%
        = 60,000 x 6.71 = Rs. 4,02,600

        At the effective date of the modification (at the beginning of Year 6), Lessee remeasures the lease liability based on:

         (a)  a five-year remaining lease term,

         (b)  annual payments of Rs. 35,000 and

         (c)  Lessee’s incremental borrowing rate of 6% p.a.
        Present value of modified lease = Annual lease payment x annuity factor @ 6% = 35,000 x 4.212 = 1,47,420
        Lessee determines the proportionate decrease in the carrying amount of the ROU Asset on the basis of the remaining
        ROU Asset (i.e., 3,000 square metres corresponding to 50% of the original ROU Asset).
        50% of the pre-modification ROU Asset (Rs. 2,01,300) is Rs. 1,00,650
        50% of the pre-modification lease liability (Rs. 2,39,555) is Rs. 1,19,777.50.

        Consequently, Lessee reduces the carrying amount of the ROU Asset by Rs. 1,00,650 and the carrying amount of the
        lease liability by Rs. 1,19,777.50. Lessee recognises the difference between the decrease in the lease liability and the
        decrease in the ROU Asset (Rs. 1,19,777.50 – Rs. 1,00,650 = Rs. 19,127.50) as a gain in profit or loss at the effective date
        of the modification (at the beginning of Year 6).
        Lessee recognises the difference between the remaining lease liability of Rs. 1,19,777.50 and the modified lease liability of

        Rs. 1,47,420 (which equals Rs. 27,642.50) as an adjustment to the ROU Asset reflecting the change in the consideration
        paid for the lease and the revised discount rate.

        Q9 (MTP Nov. 21 – 16 Marks)

        A retailer (lessee) entered into 3-year lease of retail space beginning at 1st April 20X1 with three annual lease

        payments of Rs. 2,00,000 due on 31st March 20X2, 20X3 and 20X4, respectively. The lease is classified as an
        operating lease under the erstwhile, accounting standard. The retailer initially applies Ind AS 116 for the first

        time in the annual period beginning at 1st April 20X3. The incremental borrowing rate at the date of the initial

        application (i.e., 1st April 20X3) is 10% p.a. and at the commencement of the lease (i.e., 1st April 20X1) was
        12% p.a. The ROU asset is subject to straight-line depreciation over the lease term. Assume that no practical

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