Page 2 - 6. COMPILER QB - INDAS 116
P. 2

INDAS – 116


                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 13)


                               S.No.                  Particulars                 Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                    6.1

                                2                  MTP Questions                     6.7

                                3               Past Exam Questions                 6.16

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (Nov. 18)

        A  Ltd.  prepares  its  financial  statements  for  the  period  ending  on  31 March  each  year.  The  financial
        statement  for the  year ended  2017-2018 is  under  preparation.  The following  events  are  relevant  to these
        financial statements:
        On 1 April, 2016, A Ltd. purchased an asset for Rs2,00,00,000. The estimated useful life of the asset was 10
        years, with an estimated residual value of zero. A Ltd. immediately leased the asset to B Ltd. The lease term
        was 10 years and the annual rental, payable in advance by B Ltd., was Rs27,87,000. A Ltd. incurred direct
        costs  of  Rs2,00,000  in  arranging  the  lease.  The  lease  contained  no  early  termination  clauses  and

        responsibility for repairs and maintenance of the asset rest with B Ltd. for the duration of the lease. The
        annual rate of interest implicit in the lease is 8%. At an annual discount rate of 8% the present value of Rs
        1 receivable at the start of years 1–10 is Rs 7·247.
        Examine and show how the above event would be reported in the financial statements of A Ltd. for the year
        ended 31 March, 2018 as per Ind AS.
        SOLUTION                                                                       (All Fig. in Rs. ‘000)

        The  lease  of  the  asset  by  A  Ltd.  to  B  Ltd.  would  be  regarded  as  a  finance  lease  because  the  risks  and

        rewards of ownership have been transferred to B Ltd. Evidence of this includes the lease is for the whole of
        the life of the asset and B Ltd. being responsible for repairs and maintenance.

        As per para 36 of Ind AS 17, since the lease is a finance lease and A Ltd. is the lessor, A Ltd. will recognise a
        financial asset i.e. as a receivable at an amount equal to the ‘net investment in finance leases. The amount

        recognised  will  be  the  present  value  of  the  minimum  lease  payments  which  will  be  20,197.39  i.e.  2,787  x

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