Page 5 - 6. COMPILER QB - INDAS 116
P. 5

Year 3        1,02,000             .751               76,602
                             Year 4        1,02,000             .683               69,666

                             Year 5        1,02,000             .621               63,342
                             Year 6        1,02,000             .564               57,528
                             Year 7        1,02,000             .513               52,326
                             Year 8        1,02,000             .467               47,634
                             Year 9        1,02,000             .424               43,248
                                Lease Liability at  commencement date             5,87,316

        Further, Rs. 68,000 allocated to the non-lease component of facility used will be recognised in profit or loss

        as and when incurred.

        Q4 (May 21)

        Entity X is an Indian entity whose functional currency is Indian Rupee. It has taken a plant on lease from
        Entity Y for 5 years to use in its manufacturing process for which it has to pay annual rentals in arrears of
        USD 10,000 every year. On the commencement date, exchange rate was USD = Rs.68. The average rate for
        Year 1 was Rs. 69 and at the end of year 1, the exchange rate was Rs.70. The incremental borrowing rate of
        Entity X on commencement of the lease for a USD borrowing was 5% p.a.

        How will entity X measure the right of use (ROU) asset and lease liability initially and at the end of Year 1?

        On initial measurement, Entity X will measure the lease liability and ROU asset as under:
                     Year         Lease           Present   Present Value Conversion rate   INR value
                                Payments       Value factor    of Lease    (spot rate)
                                  (USD)           @5%          Payment

                       1          10,000           0.952        9,520          68          6,47,360
                       2          10,000           0.907        9,070          68          6,16,760
                       3          10,000          0.864         8,640          68          5,87,520

                       4          10,000          0.823         8,230          68          5,59,640
                       5          10,000           0.784        7,840          68          5,33,120
                     Total                                      43,300                    29,44,400
        As per Ind AS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, monetary assets and liabilities are

        restated at each reporting date at the closing rate and the difference due to foreign exchange movement is
        recognised  in  profit  and  loss  whereas  non-monetary  assets  and  liabilities  carried  measured  in  terms  of
        historical cost in foreign currency are not restated.
        Accordingly, the ROU asset in the given case being a non-monetary asset measured in terms of historical

        cost in foreign currency will not be restated but the lease liability being a monetary liability will be restated
        at each reporting date with the resultant difference being taken to profit and loss.
        At the end of Year 1, the lease liability will be measured in terms of USD as under: Lease Liability:
                   Year   Initial Value (USD)   Lease Payment     Interest @5%      Closing Value (USD)
                                 (a)                (b)           (c)= (a x 5%)        (d = a+ c-b)

                     1          43,300             10,000             2,165               35,465

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