Page 6 - 6. COMPILER QB - INDAS 116
P. 6

Interest at the rate of 5% will be accounted for in profit and loss at average rate of Rs.69 (i.e., USD 2,165
        x 69) =Rs. 1,49,385.
                                           Particulars                       Dr. (Rs.)     Cr. (Rs.)
                     Interest Expense                                   Dr.   1,49,385
                            To Lease liability                                             1,49,385
        Lease payment would be accounted for at the reporting date exchange rate, i.e.  Rs.70 at the end of year 1
                                         Particulars                       Dr. (Rs.)      Cr. (Rs.)
                     Lease liability                         Dr.              7,00,000
                            To Cash                                                          7,00,000

        As  per  the  guidance  above  under  Ind  AS  21,  the  lease  liability  will  be  restated  using  the  reporting  date
        exchange  rate  i.e.,  Rs.70  at  the  end  of  Year  1.  Accordingly,  the  lease  liability  will  be  measured  at
        Rs.24,82,550  (35,465  x  Rs.  70)  with  the  corresponding  impact  due  to  exchange  rate  movement  of  Rs.
        88,765 (24,82,550 – (29,44,400 + 1,49,385 – 700,000) taken to profit and loss.

        At the end of year 1, the ROU asset will be measured as under:
                      Year    Operating Balance (Rs.)     Depreciation (Rs.)    Closing Balance (Rs.)
                       1             29,44,400                 5,88,880              23,55,520

        Q5 (Nov. 21)

        The Company has entered into a lease agreement for its retail store as on 1  April, 20X1 for a period of 10
        years. A lease rental of Rs. 56,000 per annum is payable in arrears. The Company recognized a lease liability
        of Rs. 3,51,613 at inception using an incremental borrowing rate of 9.5% p.a. as at 1  April 20X1. As per the
        terms  of  lease  agreement,  the  lease  rental  shall  be  adjusted  every  2  years  to  give  effect  of  inflation.
        Inflation cost index as notified by the Income tax department shall be used to derive the lease payments.
        Inflation  cost  index  was  280  for  financial  year  20X1-20X2  and  301  for  financial  year  20X3-20X4.  The
        current  incremental  borrowing  rate  is  8%  p.a.  Show  the  Journal  entry  at  the  beginning  of  year  3,  to
        account for change in lease.


        As per para 27 (b) of Ind AS 116, variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, are initially
        measured using the index or rate as at the commencement date.
        At the beginning of the third year, Lessee remeasures the lease liability at the present value of eight

        payments of Rs. 60,200 discounted at an original discount rate of 9.5% per annum as per para 43 of Ind
        AS 116.

                       Year         Revised lease rental      Discount factor @ 9.5%  Present value
                         3     [(56,000 / 280) x 301] = 60,200         0.913              54,963
                         4                60,200                       0.834              50,207
                         5                60,200                       0.762              45,872
                         6                60,200                       0.696              41,899
                         7                60,200                       0.635              38,277

                         8                60,200                       0.580              34,916
                         9                60,200                       0.530              31,906
                        10                60,200                       0.484              29,137

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11