Page 12 - 7. COMPILER QB - INDAS 2
P. 12

of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of services. Therefore,
        the inverter panel held in its stock will be considered as its inventory. Further, as per the standard, inventory
        at the end of the year is to be valued at lower of cost or NRV.

        As  the  customer  has  postponed  the  delivery  schedule  due  to  liquidity  crunch  the  entire  cost  incurred  for
        inverter  panels  which  were  to  be  supplied  has  been  shown  in  Inventory.  The  inverter  panels  are  in  the
        possession of the Company which can be sold in the market. Hence company should value such inventory as
        per  principle  laid  down  in  Ind  AS  2  i.e.  lower  of  Cost  or  NRV.  Though  the  goods  were  produced  as  per
        specifications of the buyer, the Company should determine the NRV of these goods in the market and value

        the goods accordingly. Change in value of such inverter panel should be provided for in the books.
        In the absence of the NRV of WIP and Finished product given in the question, assuming that cost is lower,
        the company shall value its inventory as per Ind AS 2 at ₨ 420 lakhs [i.e. inverter panel (WIP) ₨ 255
        lakhs + inverter panel (finished products) ₨ 165 lakhs].

        Alternatively, if it is assumed that there is no buyer for such fabricated inverter panels, then the NRV will be
        Nil. In such a case, full value of finished goods and WIP will be provided for in the books.

        As  regards  balance  of Sundry  Debtors,  since  the  Company  has filed  a  petition for winding  up  against the
        customer in 2019-2020, it is probable that amount is not recoverable from the party. Hence, the provision for
        doubtful debts for 195 lakhs shall be made in the books against the amount of debtors.

        Q11 (December 21 – 5 Marks) (Similar to Q6)

        In a manufacturing process of Saturn Ltd, one by-product BP emerges besides two main products MP1 and
        MP2 apart from scrap. Details of cost of production process for FY 202021 are here under:
                            Item          Amount (Rs)         Output (units)         Closing Stock

                        Raw material        6,00,000         MP 1-20,000 units           1,000
                           Wages            3,60,000        MP II - 16,000 units          400

                        Fixed overhead      2,60,000          BP- 8,000 units
                       Variable overhead    2,00,000

        Average market price of MP1 and MP2 is Rs 45 per unit and Rs 37.50 per unit respectively, by-product is sold
        @  Rs  10  per  unit.  All  units  of  buy-product  BP  are  sold  after  incurring  separate  processing  charges  of  Rs
        32,000 and packing charges of Rs 8,000, Rs 20,000 was realised from sale of scrap. Calculate the value of
        closing stock of MP1 and MP2 as on 31.3.2020.21. Allocate joint cost based on the relative sales value of each

        As  per  Ind  AS  2  ―Inventories‖,  most  by-products as  well  as  scrap  or  waste  materials,  by  their  nature,  are

        immaterial. They are often measured at net realizable value and this value is deducted from the cost of the
        main product.

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