Page 8 - 7. COMPILER QB - INDAS 2
P. 8


        Q6 (Oct. 18)

        In a manufacturing process of Solar Ltd., one by-product BP emerges besides two main products MP1 and MP2
        apart from scrap. Details of cost of production process are here under:
                          Item            Unit      Amount            Output             Closing Stock

                  Raw material            14,500    1,50,000   MP I-5,000 units           250 units

                  Wages                     -        90,000   MP II - 4,000 units          100 units
                  Fixed overhead            -        65,000   BP- 2,000 units
                  Variable overhead         -        50,000
        Average market price of MP1 and MP2 is Rs. 60 per unit and Rs. 50 per unit respectively; by-product is sold

        @ Rs. 20 per unit. There is a profit of Rs. 5,000 on sale of by-product after incurring separate processing

        charges of Rs. 8,000 and packing charges of Rs. 2,000, Rs. 5,000 was realised from sale of scrap.
        Calculate the value of closing stock of MP 1 and MP 2 as on 31-03-2018.


        As  per  Ind  2  ―Inventories‖,  most  by-products  as  well  as  scrap  or  waste  materials,  by  their  nature,  are
        immaterial. They are often measured at net realizable value and this value is deducted from the cost of the

        main product.
        (1)  Calculation of NRV of By-product BP

                      Selling price of by-product         2,000 units x 20 per unit       40,000
                      Less:  Separate  processing  charges  of
                      by- product BP                                                     (8,000)

                      Packing charges                                                    (2,000)
                      Net realizable value of by-product BP                               30,000

        (2)  Calculation of cost of conversion for allocation between joint products MP1 and MP2
                          Raw material                                                 1,50,000

                          Wages                                                        90,000
                          Fixed overhead                                               65,000
                          Variable overhead                                 30,000     50,000

                          Less: NRV of by-product BP (See calculation 1)    5,000
                          Sale value of scrap                                         (35,000)
                          Joint cost to be allocated between MP1 and MP2              3,20,000

        (3)  Determination of “basis for allocation” and allocation of joint cost to MP1 and MP2

                               Particulars                               MP I         MP 2
                           Output in units (a)                           5,000        4,000
                           Sales price per unit (b)                       60           50
                                                                                                                            7. 7
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