Page 9 - 7. COMPILER QB - INDAS 2
P. 9

Sales value (a x b)                         3,00,000      2,00,000
                           Ratio of allocation                            3             2
                           Joint  cost  of  Rs.  3,20,000  allocated  in  the
                           ratio of 3:2 (c)                             1,92,000     1,28,000
                           Cost per unit [c/a]                           38.4          32

        (4)  Determination of value of closing stock of MP1 and MP2
                           Particulars                           MP I               MP 2
                           Closing stock in units              250 units          100 units
                           Cost per unit                         38.4                32
                           Value of closing stock                9,600              3,200

        Q7 (April. 19)

        On 5th April, 20X2, fire damaged a consignment of inventory at one of the Jupiter‖s Ltd.‖s warehouse. This
        inventory had been manufactured prior to 31st March 20X2 costing Rs. 8 lakhs. The net realisable value of
        the inventory prior to the damage was estimated at Rs. 9.60 lakhs. Because of the damage caused to the
        consignment of inventory, the company was required to spend an additional amount of Rs. 2 lakhs on repairing

        and re-packaging of the inventory. The inventory was sold on 15th May, 20X2 for proceeds of Rs. 9 lakhs.
        The accountant of Jupiter Ltd. treats this event as an adjusting event and adjusts this event of causing the
        damage to the inventory in its financial statement and accordingly re-measures the inventories as follows: Rs.

                            Cost                                                        8.00
                            Net realisable value (9.6 -2)                               7.60

                            Inventories (lower of cost and net realisable value)        7.60
        Analyse  whether  the  above  accounting  treatment  made  by  the  accountant  in  regard  to  the  financial  year
        ending on 31.0.20X2 is in compliance with the Ind AS. If not, advise the correct treatment along with working

        for the same.

        The above treatment needs to be examined in the light of the provisions given in Ind AS 10 ―Events after the
        Reporting Period‖ and Ind AS 2 ―Inventories‖.

        Ind  AS  10  ―Events  after  the  Reporting  Period‖  defines  “Events  after  the  reporting  period  are  those  events,
        favourable  and  unfavourable,  that  occur  between  the  end  of  the  reporting  period  and  the  date  when  the
        financial statements are approved by the Board of Directors in case of a company, and, by the corresponding
        approving authority in case of any other entity for issue. Two types of events can be identified:

         (a) those that provide evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period (adjusting events
             after the reporting period); and
         (b) those that are indicative of conditions that arose after the reporting period (non-adjusting events after
             the reporting period).
        Further, Ind AS 10 states that:
        “An entity shall not adjust the amounts recognised in its financial statements to reflect non-adjusting events

        after the reporting period”.
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