Page 2 - 7. COMPILER QB - INDAS 2
P. 2



                                           (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 11)


                               S.No.                 Particulars                  Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                    7.1

                                2                  MTP Questions                     7.7

                                3               Past Exam Questions                  7.10

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (May 18)

        On 31 March 20X1, the inventory of ABC includes spare parts which it had been supplying to a number of

        different customers for some years. The cost of the spare parts was Rs 10 million and based on retail prices at
        31 March 20X1, the expected selling price of the spare parts is Rs 12 million. On 15 April 20X1, due to market

        fluctuations, expected selling price of the spare parts in stock reduced to Rs 8 million. The estimated selling
        expense  required  to  make  the  sales  would  be  Rs  0.5  million.  Financial  statements  were  authorized  by  the

        Board of Directors on 20th April 20X1.
        As at 31st March 20X2, Directors noted that such inventory is still unsold and lying in the warehouse of the

        company. Directors believe that inventory is in a saleable condition and active marketing would result in an
        immediate sale. Since the market conditions have improved, the estimated selling price of inventory is Rs 11

        million and estimated selling expenses are the same Rs. 0.5 million.
        What will be the value inventory at the following dates?

        (a) 31st March 20X1

        (b) 31st March 20X2

        As per Ind AS 2 ―Inventories‖, inventory is measured at lower of ―cost‖ or ―net realisable value‖. Further, as per

        Ind AS 10: ―Events after Balance Sheet Date‖, decline in net realisable value below cost provides additional
        evidence of events occurring at the balance sheet date and hence shall be considered as ―adjusting events‖.

        (a) In  the  given  case,  for  valuation  of  inventory  as  on  31  March  20X1,  cost  of  inventory  would  be  Rs.  10
            million  and  net  realisable  value  would  be  Rs.  7.5  million  (i.e.  Expected  selling  price  Rs.  8  million-

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