Page 6 - 7. COMPILER QB - INDAS 2
P. 6

●  labour = Rs. 65,000; and
        ●  depreciation of plant used to manufacture the customized corporate gifts = Rs. 15,000.
        The customized corporate gifts were ready for sale on 1 March 20X1. No abnormal wastage occurred in the

        development and manufacture of the corporate gifts.  Compute the cost of the inventory? Substantiate your
        answer with appropriate reasons and calculations, wherever required.

        Statement showing computation of inventory cost
                            Particulars            Amount                     Remarks

                   Cost of purchases               5,00,000   Purchase price of raw material [purchase price
                                                             (Rs.5,50,000)  less  refundable  purchase  taxes

                   Loan – raising fee                 -      Included in the measurement of the liability.
                   Costs of purchase               55,000    Purchase price of consumable stores

                   Cost of conversion              65,000    Direct costs – labour
                   Production overheads            15,000    Fixed costs – depreciation
                   Production overheads            10,000    Product  design  costs  and  labour  cost  for

                                                             specific customer
                   Other costs                      37,00    Refer working note
                   Borrowing costs                    -      Recognised as an expense in profit or loss

                   Total costs of inventories     6,82,000

        Working Note:
        Costs of testing product designed for specific customer:

        Rs. 21,000 material (i.e. net of the Rs. 3,000 recovered from the sale of the scrapped output) + Rs. 11,000
        labour + Rs. 5,000 depreciation.

        Q5 (Nov. 21)

        Whether the following costs should be considered while determining the Net Realisable Value (NRV) of the
        (a) Costs of completion of work-in-progress;

        (b) Trade discounts expected to be allowed on sale; and
        (c) Cash discounts expected to be allowed for prompt payment

        Ind AS 2 defines Net Realisable Value as the “estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less

        the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.”
        Costs of completion of work-in-progress are incurred to convert the work-in-progress into finished goods. Since
        these costs are in the nature of completion costs, in accordance with the above definition, the same should
        be deducted from the estimated selling price to determine the NRV of work-in-progress.
        Trade  Discount  is  “A  reduction  granted  by  a  supplier  from  the  list  price  of  goods  or  services  on  business
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