Page 5 - 7. COMPILER QB - INDAS 2
P. 5

Fixed factory selling overhead             = Rs. 50,00,000;

        Variable factory selling overhead          = Rs. 150 per unit.

        Calculate the value of inventory per unit in accordance with Ind AS 2. What will be the treatment of fixed
        manufacturing overhead?


        Calculation of Inventory value per unit as per Ind AS 2:

                                              Particulars                        Value per unit
                         Raw material                                                200

                         Labour                                                       100
                         Variable manufacturing overhead                              100

                         Fixed production overhead (1,00,00,000/1,00,000)             100

        Fixed overheads are absorbed based on normal capacity level, i.e.; 1,00,000 units, rather than on the basis of

        actual production, i.e.; 50,000 units. Therefore, fixed manufacturing overhead on 50,000 units, will be absorbed
        as inventory value. The remaining fixed manufacturing overhead Rs. 50,00,000 (1,00,00,000 - 50,00,000) will be

        charged to P&L.

        Note:  Selling  costs  are  excluded  from  the  cost  of  inventories  and  recognised  as  expenses  in  the  period  in

        which they are incurred.

        Q4 (May. 21 & Also Added in New ICAI Module for May 22 Onwards)

        On 1 January 20X1 an entity accepted an order for 7,000 custom-made corporate gifts.
        On  3  January  20X1  the  entity  purchased  raw  materials  to  be  consumed  in  the  production  process  for  Rs.

        5,50,000, including Rs. 50,000 refundable purchase taxes. The purchase price was funded by raising a loan of
        Rs. 5,55,000 (including Rs. 5,000 loan-raising fees).  The loan is secured by the inventories.
        During January 20X1 the entity designed the corporate gifts for the customer.
        Design costs included:
         ● cost of external designer = Rs.7,000; and
         ● labour = Rs. 3,000.

        During February 20X1 the entity‖s production team developed the manufacturing
        technique and made further modifications necessary to bring the inventories to the conditions specified in the
        agreement. The following costs were incurred in the testing phase:
        ● materials, net of Rs. 3,000 recovered from the sale of the scrapped output   = Rs.21,000;
        ● labour = Rs. 11,000; and

        ● depreciation of plant used to perform the modifications = Rs.5,000.
        During  February  20X1  the  entity  incurred  the  following  additional  costs  in  manufacturing  the  customised
        corporate gifts:
        ●  consumable stores = Rs. 55,000;
                                                                                                                            7. 4
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