Page 4 - 7. COMPILER QB - INDAS 2
P. 4

The amount of fixed overhead allocated to inventory is not increased as a result of low production by using

        normal capacity to allocate fixed overhead.

        Variable production overhead absorption rate:
             = Variable production overhead/actual hours for current period

             = Rs 2,600 / 6,500 hours = Rs 0.4 per hour

        Management should allocate variable overhead costs to units produced at a rate of Rs 0.4 per hour.
        The above rate results in the allocation of all variable overheads to units produced during the year.

        Closing inventory     = Opening inventory + Units produced during year – Units sold during year

                              = 2,500 + 6,500 – 6,700 = 2,300 units

        As each unit has taken one hour to produce (6,500 hours / 6,500 units produced), total fixed and variable
        production overhead recognised as part of cost of inventory:

             =  Number  of  units  of  closing  inventory  x  Number  of  hours  to  produce  each  unit  x  (Fixed  production
             overhead absorption rate + Variable production overhead absorption rate)

             = 2,300 units x 1hour x (Rs 0.2 + Rs 0.4) = Rs. 1,380

        The  remaining Rs  2,720 [(Rs  1,500  + Rs  2,600)  –  Rs.  1,380] is  recognised  as  an  expense in the  income

        statement as follows:
                              Particulars                                       Rs.
                              Absorbed in cost of goods sold (FIFO basis)

                              (6,500 – 2,300) = 4,200 x Rs 0.6                  2,520

                              Unabsorbed fixed overheads, not included
                              in the cost of goods sold                         200

                              Total                                             2,720

        Q3 (Nov. 20)

        A company normally produced 1,00,000 units of high precision equipment each year over the past several years.
        In the current year, due to lack of demand and competition, it produced only 50,000 units. Further information
        is as follows:

        Material                                   = Rs. 200 per unit;

        Labour                                     = Rs. 100 per unit;
        Variable manufacturing overhead            = Rs. 100 per unit;

        Fixed factory production overhead          = Rs. 1,00,00,000;
                                                                                                                            7. 3
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