Page 35 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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Statement of changes in Equity:
        6. Equity share Capital
                             Balance    at   the  Changes  in  Equity  Balance at the end of
                             beginning   of   the  share  capital  during  the reporting period
                             reporting period      the year

                                     800                   0                    800

        7. Other Equity.
                                                Share    Equity         Reserves & Surplus        Total
                                               applicat  compon    Capital   Retained   Securities
                                                 ion      ent      reserve   Earnings   Premium
                  Balance at the beginning                                   2,130                2,130
                  Total  comprehensive  income                       0
                  for the year
                  Dividends                                          0
                  Total  comprehensive  income                       0
                  attributable to parent
                  Loss  on  disposal  of  Trust                              (152)               (152)
                  Infocomm Ltd.
                  Balance  at  the  end  of                          0        1,978               1,978
                  reporting period

        Working Notes:

         1.  When 90% being sold, the carrying amount of all assets and liabilities attributable to Trust Infocomm
            Ltd. were eliminated from the consolidated statement of financial position and further financial assets are
            recognized for the remaining 10%.
         2.  Fair value of remaining investment (in ―000):

                                Net Assets of Trust Ltd.                          1,280
                                Less: 90% disposal                               (1152)
                                Financial Asset                                    128
         3.  Cash on hand (in ―000):
                               Cash before disposal of Trust Infocomm Ltd.         1,550
                               Less: Trust Infocomm Ltd. Cash                      (500)
                               Add: Cash realized from disposal                    1,000
                               Cash on Hand                                        2,050
         4.  Gain/ Loss on disposal of entity (in ―000):
                               Proceeds from disposal                               1,000
                               Less: Proportionate (90%) Net assets of Trust Infocomm   (1,152)
                               Ltd. (90% of 1,280)
                               Loss on disposal                                     (152)
         5.  Retained Earnings (in ―000):

                                   Retained Earnings before disposal            2,130
                                   Less: Loss on disposal                      (152)
                                   Retained earnings after disposal             1,978
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