Page 34 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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         (a)       When 90% shares sold to independent party
                        Consolidated Balance Sheet of Trust Ltd. and its remaining subsidiaries as
                                                    on 31st March, 2018
                                          Particulars                  Note No.    (Rs. In ‘000)
                         I. Assets
                         (1) Non-current assets
                         (i) Property Plant & Equipment                    1           950
                         (ii) Goodwill                                    2            100
                         (iii) Financial Assets
                         (a) Investments                                  3            128
                         (2) Current Assets
                         (i) Inventories                                  4             50
                         (ii) Financial Assets
                                 (b) Trade Receivables                    5            400
                         (c) Cash & Cash equivalents                      6           2,050
                         Total Assets                                                 3,678
                         II. Equity and Liabilities
                         (1) Equity
                         (i) Equity Share Capital                          7          3,678
                         (ii) Other Equity                                8            800
                         (2) Current Liabilities
                         (i) Financial Liabilities                                     1,978
                         (a) Trade Payables                               9            900
                         Total Equity & Liabilities                                   3,678
        Notes to accounts:

                                                                           (Rs. In ‘000)
                            1.   Property Plwant & Equipment
                                Land & Building                         1620
                                Less: Trust Infocomm Ltd.               (670)          950
                            2.   Goodwill                                190
                                Less: Trust Infocomm Ltd.               (90)           100
                            3.   Investments
                                Investment  in  Trust  Infocomm  Ltd.    128           128
                                (WN 2)
                            4.   Inventories
                                Group                                    70
                                Less: Trust Infocomm Ltd.               (20)           50
                            5.   Trade Receivables
                                Group                                    850
                                Less: Trust Infocomm Ltd.               (450)          400
                            6.   Cash & Cash equivalents
                                Group (WN 3)                            2,050         2,050
                                Trade Payables
                                Group                                   1,350
                                Less: Trust Infocomm Ltd.                450           900
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