Page 38 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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its own equity. The balance of 2.5 will be recorded as employee expense in the books of D Ltd. over the
             remaining life, which is 1 year in this scenario.
         c.  There is a difference between contingent consideration and deferred consideration. In the given case 35 is

             the  minimum  payment  to  be  paid  after  2  years  and  accordingly  will  be  considered  as  deferred
             consideration. The other element is if a company meets a certain target then they will get 25% of that
             or 35 whichever is higher. In the given case since the minimum what is expected to be paid the fair
             value of the contingent consideration has been considered as zero. The impact of time value on deferred
             consideration has been given @ 10%.

         d.  The  additional  consideration  of  Rs.  20  lakhs  to  be  paid  to  the  founder  shareholder  is  contingent  to
             him/her continuing in employment and hence this will be considered as employee compensation and will
             be recorded as post combination expenses in the income statement of D Ltd.

        Working for Purchase consideration Rs. in lakhs

                  Particulars                                                              Amount
                  Share capital of D Ltd                                                    400,00,000
                  Number of shares                                              4,00,000
                  Shares to be issued 2:1                                       2,00,000
                  Fair value per share                                                          40
                  PC (2,00,000 x 70% x Rs. 40 per share)               (A)                     56.00
                  Deferred  consideration after  discounting  Rs.  35  lakhs  for  2 years
                  @ 10%                                                        (B)            28.93

                  Replacement  award  Market  based  measure  of  the  acquiree  award
                  (5) x ratio of the portion of the vesting period completed (2)  /
                  greater of the total vesting period (3) or the original vesting period
                  (4) of the acquiree award ie (5 x 2 / 4)                  (C)                2.50
                  PC in lakhs (A+B+C)                                                         87.43

        Purchase price allocation workings
                                     Particulars                  Book      Fair      FV adjustment
                                                                  value     value         (A-B)
                                                                   (A)      (B)
                     Property, plant and equipment                 500      350           (150)
                     Investment                                    100       100            -
                     Inventories                                   150      150             -
                     Financial assets:                                       -
                            Trade receivables                      300      300             -
                            Cash and cash equivalents              100       100            -
                            Others                                 230      230
                     Less: Long term borrowings                   (200)    (200)            -
                             Long term provisions                                           -

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   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43