Page 42 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 42

Q19. (May 20 – 16 Marks)

        Prepare  the  Consolidated  Balance  Sheet  as  on  31st  March,  20X2  of  a  group  of  companies  comprising  P
        Limited, S Limited and SS Limited. Their balance sheets on that date are given below:
                                                                                         Rs. in lakhs
                                                                              P Ltd.  S Ltd.  SS Ltd.
                     Non-Current Assets
                     Property, Plant and Equipment Investment :                320    360     300
                     16 lakhs shares in S Ltd.                                 340
                     12 Lakhs shares in SS Ltd.                                       280
                     Current Assets
                             Inventories                                       220     70      50
                             Financial Assets
                                     Trade Receivables                         260    100     220
                                    Bills Receivable                            72     -       30
                                      Cash in hand and at Bank                 228     40      40
                                                                       Total   1440   850     640
                      Equity and Liabilities
                      Shareholder's Equity
                             Share capital (Rs. 10 per Share)                  600    400     320
                             Other Equity
                               Reserves                                        180    100     80
                                Retained earnings                              160     50      60
                      Current Liabilities
                             Financial Liabilities
                                    Trade Payables                             470    230     180
                                     Bills Payable
                                    P Ltd.                                             70
                                    SS Ltd.                                     30

                                                                       Total   1440   850     640

        The following additional information is available:
          (i)  P Ltd. holds 80% shares in S Ltd. and S Ltd. holds 75% shares in SS Ltd. Their holdings were acquired
               on 30th September, 20X1.
          (ii)  The business activities of all the companies are not seasonal in nature and therefore, it can be assumed
               that profits are earned evenly throughout the year.

          (iii) On 1st April, 20X1 the following balances stood in the books of S Limited and SS Limited.

                                                                        Rs. in lakhs
                                                            S Limited   SS Limited
                                     Reserves                   80          60
                                     Retained earnings          20          30
          (iv) Rs. 10 lakhs included in the inventory figure of S Limited, is inventory which has been purchased from

               SS Limited at cost plus 25%. The sale of goods by SS Ltd. is done after acquisition of shares by S Ltd.

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