Page 45 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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3.  Calculation of Goodwill / Capital Reserve on the acquisition date
                                                                       S Ltd.         SS Ltd.
                         Investment or consideration                    340        (280 × 80%)
                         Add: NCI at Fair value

                                 (400 x 20%)                             80
                                 (320 x 40%)                                           128
                                                                        420            352
                         Less:  Identifiable  net  assets  (Share  capital  +
                              Increase  in  the  Reserves  and  Surplus  till
                              acquisition date)                      (400+125)    (320+115) (435)
                         Capital Reserve                               (525)
                         Total Capital Reserve (105 + 83)               105             83

        4.  Calculation of Non-Controlling Interest
                                                                         S Ltd.          SS Ltd.
                     At Fair Value (See Note 3)                            80              128
                     Add: Post Acquisition Reserves (See Note 1)      (10× 20%) 2      (10× 40%) 4
                     Add: Post Acquisition Retained Earnings (See Note 1)   (15× 20%) 3   (13× 40%) 5.2
                     Less: NCI share of investment in SS Ltd.          (280x20%)

                                                                           29             137.2

                     Total (29+ 137.2)                                            166.2
        5.  Calculation of Consolidated Other Equity
                                                             Reserves     Retained Earnings
                               P Ltd.                          180               160
                               Add: Share in S Ltd.        (10 x 80%) 8    (15× 80%)  12
                               Add: Share in SS Ltd.       (10× 60%) 6     (13× 60%) 7.8
                                                                194             179.8

        Q20. (Oct 20 – 16 Marks)
        Summarised Balance Sheets of PN Ltd. and SR Ltd. as on 31 March 2020 were given as below:

                                                                                        (Amount in Rs)
                                         Particulars                        PN Ltd.           SR Ltd.

                    Land & building                                         4,68,000          5,61,600
                                                                            7,48,800          4,21,200
                    Plant & Machinery
                                                                            12,48,000            -
                    Investment in SR Ltd.
                                                                            3,74,400           1,13,600

                    Trade Receivables
                                                                            1,86,500          1,24,800
                    Cash & Cash equivalents
                                                                             45,200            24,900

                                                                            30,70,900         12,46,100
                                                                                                    16. 44
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50