Page 47 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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(i)  Financial Liabilities
                                (a)  Trade Payables                              8           2,12,400
                                (b)  Short term borrowings                       9           2,69,600
                                             Total Equity & Liabilities                    36,88,802

                  Notes to accounts

                      1.  Property, Plant & Equipment
                         Land & Building (4,68,000 + 5,61,600 + 3,12,000)     13,41,600
                         Plant & Machinery (W.N.5)                            13,41,600   26,83,200
                      2.  Goodwill (W.N.4)                                                 89,402
                      3.  Inventories
                         PN Ltd.                                               3,74,400
                         SR Ltd. (1,13,600 +46,800)                            1,60,400    5,34,800
                      4.  Trade Receivables
                         PN Ltd.                                               1,86,500
                         SR Ltd.                                               1,24,800    3,11,300
                      5.  Cash & Cash equivalents
                         PN Ltd.                                               45,200
                         SR Ltd.                                               24,900       70,100
                    8.   Trade Payables
                         PN Ltd.                                               1,46,900
                         SR Ltd. (34,300 + 31,200)                             65,500      2,12,400
                    9.   Short-term borrowings
                         PN Ltd. SR Ltd.                                       2,49,600
                                                                               20,000      2,69,600

        Statement of Changes in Equity:
                  6.  Equity share Capital
                       Balance at the beginning of the   Changes in Equity      Balance at the end of
                              reporting period          share capital during     the reporting period
                                    Rs                       the year                   Rs
                               15,60,000                         0                   15,60,000

                  7.  Other Equity

                                                                  Reserves & Surplus            Total
                                                           Capital    Retained     Other
                                                           reserve    Earnings    Reserves
                                                             Rs          Rs          Rs          Rs
                  Balance  at  the  beginning  of  the  reporting        0        9,36,000    9,36,000
                  Total comprehensive income for the year     0       1,78,400                 1,78,400
                  Dividends                                   0       (52,416)                (52,416)

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