Page 3 - 21. COMPILER QB - INDAS 33
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(iii) Also, paragraph 9 of the standard states that an entity shall calculate basic earnings per share amounts

        for profit or loss attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent entity and, if presented, profit or loss
        from continuing operations attributable to those equity holders.

        (iv) Further, paragraph A1 of Appendix A of Ind AS 33 states that for the purpose of calculating earnings per

        share  based  on  the  cfs,  profit  or  loss  attributable  to  the  parent  entity  refers  to  profit  or  loss  of  the
        consolidated entity after adjusting for non- controlling interests.

        Hence, with inference from above mentioned points, in the given case, the presentation of Basic EPS by the
        Accountant of P Ltd. on the basis of consolidated financial statements in its separate financial statements is

        not correct. The correct presentation of Basic EPS would be as follows:
                              Calculation of Basic EPS of P Ltd. in SFS

                              Net Profit after tax                          Rs 20,00,000
                              No. of share issued                          2,00,000 shares
                              Basic EPS                                   Rs 10 per share

        Q2. (RTP MAY 19 & MTP OCT. 20)

        An entity issues 2,000 convertible bonds at the beginning of Year 1. The bonds have a three-year term, and
        are issued at par with a face value of Rs 1,000 per bond, giving total proceeds of Rs 2,000,000. Interest is
        payable annually in arrears at a nominal annual interest rate of 6 per cent. Each bond is convertible at any

        time up to maturity into 250 ordinary shares. The entity has an option to settle the principal amount of the

        convertible bonds in ordinary shares or in cash.
        When the bonds are issued, the prevailing market interest rate for similar debt without a conversion option is

        9 per cent. At the issue date, the market price of one ordinary share is Rs 3. Income tax is ignored.
        Calculate basic and diluted EPS when

                Profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent entity Year 1    Rs 1,000,000
                Ordinary shares outstanding                                                 1,200,000
                Convertible bonds outstanding                                                 2,000


        Allocation of proceeds of the bond issue:
                                 Liability component (Refer Note 1)        Rs 1,848,122

                                 Equity component                           Rs 151,878
                                                                           Rs 2,000,000

        The liability and equity components would be determined in accordance with Ind AS 32. These amounts are
        recognised as the initial carrying amounts of the liability and equity components. The amount assigned to the
        issuer conversion option equity element is an addition to equity and is not adjusted.

        Basic earnings per share Year 1:

        Rs 1,000,000/ 1,200,000= Rs 0.83 per ordinary share
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