Page 4 - 21. COMPILER QB - INDAS 33
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Diluted earnings per share Year 1:

        It is presumed that the issuer will settle the contract by the issue of ordinary shares. The dilutive effect is
        therefore calculated in accordance with the Standard.

        (Rs1,000,000 + Rs166,331)/(1,200,000 + 500,000) = Rs 0.69 per ordinary share

        1.  This represents the present value of the principal and interest discounted at 9% – Rs 2,000,000 payable at

            the end of three years; Rs 120,000 payable annually in arrears for three years.
            [(1,20,000 x 2.53) + (20,00,000 x 0.772)] = 18,48,122

        2.  Profit is adjusted for the accretion of Rs 166,331 (Rs 1,848,122 × 9%) of the liability because of the
            passage of time. However, it is assumed that interest @ 6% for the year has already been adjusted.

        3.  500,000 ordinary shares = 250 ordinary shares x 2,000 convertible bonds

        Q3. (MAY 20 & Newly Added in ICAI Module for May 22 onwards)

        CAB Limited is in the process of preparation of the consolidated financial statements of the group for the

        year ending 31st March, 20X3 and the extract of the same is as follows:
                               Particulars         Attributable to CAB  Non-controlling  Total (Rs in ‘000)
                                                        Limited           interest

                    Profit for the year                  39,000            3,000           42,000
                    Other Comprehensive Income           5,000              Nil             5,000
                    Total Comprehensive Income           44,000            3,000           47,000

        The long-term finance of the company comprises of the following:
        1.  20,00,00,000 equity shares at the beginning of the year and the company has issued 5,00,00,000 shares on

            1st July, 20X2 at full market value.
        2.  8,00,00,000 irredeemable preference shares. These shares were in issue for the whole of the year ended

            31st March, 20X3. The dividend on these preference shares is discretionary.
        3.  Rs 18 crores of 6% convertible debentures issued on 1st April, 20X1 and repayable on 31st March, 20X5 at

            par. Interest is payable annually. As an alternative to repayment at par, the holder on maturity can elect
            to exchange their convertible debentures for 10 crores ordinary shares in the company. On 1st April, 20X1,

            the prevailing market interest rate for four-year convertible debentures which had no right of conversion
            was 8%. Using an annual discount rate of 8%, the present value of Rs 1 payable in four years is 0.74 and

            the cumulative present value of Rs 1 payable at the end of years one to four is 3.31. In the year ended
            31st March, 20X3, CAB Limited declared an ordinary dividend of 0.10 paise per share and a dividend of

            0.05 paise per share on the irredeemable preference shares.
        Compute the following:

            ●  The  finance  cost  of  convertible  debentures  and  its  closing  balance  as  on  31st  March,  20X3  to  be

               presented in the consolidated financial statements.
                                                                                                       21. 3
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