Page 5 - 21. COMPILER QB - INDAS 33
P. 5

●  The basic and diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31st March, 20X3.

        Assume that income tax is applicable to CAB Limited and its subsidiaries at 25%.

         1.   Calculation of the liability and equity components on 6% Convertible debentures:

         Present value of principal payable at the end of 4th year (Rs 1,80,000 thousand x 0.74)
                              = Rs 1,33,200 thousand

        Present value of interest payable annually for 4 years (Rs 1,80,000 thousand x 6% x 3.31)
                              = Rs 35,748 thousand

        Total liability component = Rs 1,68,948 thousand

        Therefore, equity component = Rs. 1,80,000 thousand – Rs 1,68,948 thousand

                              = Rs 11,052 thousand
        Calculation of finance cost and closing balance of 6% convertible debentures:
                               Year       Opening     Finance cost   Interest paid   Closing

                                        balance Rs in    @ 8%          @ 6%       balance Rs in
                                            ’000       Rs in ’000     Rs in ’000      ’000

                                             a         b = a x 8%         C       d = a + b - c
                             31.3.20X2    1,68,948      13,515.84       10,800      1,71,663.84
                             31.3.20X3   1,71,663.84    13,733.11       10,800      1,74,596.95

        Finance cost of convertible debentures for the year ended 31.3. 20X3 is Rs 13,733.11 thousand and closing

        balance as on 31.3. 20X3 is Rs 1,74,596.95 thousand.
                                      Calculation of Basic EPS            Rs in ’000

                          Profit for the year                                           39,000
                          Less: Dividend on preference shares (80,000 thousand x Rs 0.05)*   (4,000)
                          Profit attributable to equity shareholders                    35,000

        *  Only  dividend  on  preference  shares  will  be  reduced  because  the  net  amount  after  all  payments  will  be
        available for distribution to equity shareholders.

        Weighted  average  number  of  shares  =  20,00,00,000  +  {5,00,00,000  x  (9/12)}  =  23,75,00,000  shares  or
        2,37,500 thousand shares

        Basic EPS = Rs 35,000 thousand / 2,37,500 thousand shares = Rs 0.147
                            Calculation of Diluted EPS                                  Rs in ’000

                       Profit for the year                                                 39,000
                       Less: Dividend on preference shares (80,000 x 0.05)                (4,000)

                       Add: Finance cost (as given in the above table)*                13,733.11
                       Less:  Tax @ 25%                                             (3,433.28)   10,299.83

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