Page 6 - 21. COMPILER QB - INDAS 33
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* Note-  if debentures are converted to equity shares, then the interest will not be payable. This saving of

        interest payment will be available for equity holders. However, tax will be paid on this amount.

        Weighted average number of shares = 20,00,00,000 + {5,00,00,000 x (9/12)} + 10,00,00,000 = 33,75,00,000
        shares or 3,37,500 thousand shares

                       Diluted EPS = Rs 45,299.83 thousand / 3,37,500 thousand shares = Rs 0.134

        Q4. (NOV 21)

        Following information pertains to an entity for the year ending 31 st March 20X1:
                  Net profit for the year                                                 Rs. 12,00,000

                  Weighted average number of Equity shares outstanding during the year   5,00,000 shares
                  Average market price per share during the year                            Rs. 20

                  Weighted average number of shares under option during the year         1,00,000 shares
                  Exercise price per share under option during the year                      Rs. 15
        Calculate basic and diluted earnings per share.


        Calculation of earnings per share
                                                               Earnings         Shares    Per share

                     Profit attributable to equity holders   Rs. 12,00,000
                     Weighted  average  shares  outstanding

                     during year 20X1                                          5,00,000
                     Basic earnings per share                                              Rs. 2.40
                     Weighted  average  number  of  shares  under              100,000

                     Weighted  average  number  of  shares  that
                     would  have  been  issued  at  average  market

                     price: (1,00,000 × Rs. 15.00) ÷ Rs. 20.00   Refer Note    (75,000)
                     Diluted earnings per share              Rs. 1,200,000     525,000     Rs. 2.29
        Note: Earnings have not increased because the total number of shares has increased only by the number of

        shares (25,000) deemed to have been issued for no consideration, as shown below -

        Total options = 1,00,000 @ Rs.15 each = 15,00,000
        Equivalent to paid up shares = 15,00,000 / 20 = 75,000 shares

        Therefore, paid element = 75,000 shares and bonus element = 25,000 shares.
        To determine dilution, we consider only the bonus element .i.e. 25,000 shares.

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