Page 2 - 22. COMPILER QB - INDAS 34
P. 2

INDAS – 34
                               INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTING

                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 9)


                               S.No.                 Particulars                  Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                   22.1
                                2                  MTP Questions                    22.4

                                3               Past Exam Questions                 22.6

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (Nov. 19)

        An entity reports quarterly, earns 1,50,000 pre-tax profit in the first quarter but expects to incur losses of Rs
        50,000 in each of the three remaining quarters. The entity operates in a jurisdiction in which its estimated

        average annual income tax rate is30%.
        The management believes that since the entity has zero income for the year, its income-tax expense for the

        year will be zero.  State whether the management‖s views are correct. If not, then calculate the tax expense
        for each quarter as well as for the year as per Ind AS 34.


        As  per  Ind  AS  34  ―Interim  Financial  Reporting‖,  income  tax  expense  is  recognised  in  each  interim  period

        based on the best estimate of the weighted average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial

        Accordingly, the management‖s contention that since the net income for the year will be zero no income tax
        expense shall be charged quarterly in the interim financial report, is not correct.

        The following table shows the correct income tax expense to be reported each quarter in accordance with Ind
        AS 34:

                                  Period        Pre-tax earnings   Effective tax   Tax expense
                                                    (in Rs)           rate         (in Rs)
                               First Quarter        1,50,000          30%           45,000

                              Second Quarter       (50,000)           30%          (15,000)
                               Third Quarter       (50,000)           30%          (15,000)

                              Fourth Quarter       (50,000)           30%          (15,000)
                                  Annual               0                              0

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