Page 5 - 22. COMPILER QB - INDAS 34
P. 5


        Q4 (APRIL 2021 - 5 Marks)

        ABC Limited manufactures automobile parts. ABC Limited has shown a net profit of Rs. 20,00,000 for the
        third quarter of 20X1.
        Following adjustments are made while computing the net profit:

        (i)  Bad debts of Rs. 1,00,000 incurred during the quarter. 50% of the bad debts have been deferred to the

             next quarter.
        (ii)  Additional depreciation of Rs. 4,50,000 resulting from the change in the method of depreciation.

        (iii) Exceptional  loss  of  Rs.  28,000  incurred  during  the  third  quarter.  50%  of  exceptional  loss  have  been
             deferred to next quarter.

        (iv) Rs. 5,00,000 expenditure on account of administrative expenses pertaining to the third quarter is deferred
             on the argument that the fourth quarter will have more sales; therefore the fourth quarter should be

             debited by higher expenditure. The expenditures are uniform throughout all quarters.
        Analyze and ascertain the correct net profit to be shown in the Interim Financial Report of third quarter to be

        presented to the Board of Directors.

        In  the  instant  case,  the  quarterly  net  profit  has  not  been  correctly  stated.  As  per  Ind  AS  34,  Interim

        Financial Reporting, the quarterly net profit should be adjusted and restated as follows:
        i)  The treatment of bad debts is not correct as the expenses incurred during an interim reporting period

            should be recognised in the same period. Accordingly, Rs. 50,000 should be deducted from Rs. 20,00,000.

        ii)  Recognising additional depreciation of Rs. 4,50,000 in the same quarter is correct and is in tune with Ind
            AS 34.
        iii) Treatment  of  exceptional  loss  is  not  as  per  the principles  of  Ind  AS 34,  as  the  entire  amount  of  Rs.

            28,000 incurred during the third quarter should be recognized in the same quarter. Hence Rs. 14,000 which

            was deferred should be deducted from the profits of third quarter only.
        iv) As  per  Ind  AS  34  the  income  and  expense  should  be  recognised  when  they  are  earned  and  incurred

            respectively. As per Ind AS 34, the costs should be anticipated or deferred only when:
            a)  it is appropriate to anticipate or defer that type of cost at the end of the financial year, and

            b)  costs are incurred unevenly during the financial year of an enterprise.
        Therefore, the treatment done relating to deferment of Rs. 5,00,000 is not correct as expenditures are uniform

        throughout all quarters.
        Thus, considering the above, the correct net profits to be shown in the Interim Financial Report of the third

        quarter shall be Rs. 14,36,000 (Rs. 20,00,000 -Rs. 50,000 - Rs. 14,000 - Rs. 5,00,000).

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