Page 3 - 22. COMPILER QB - INDAS 34
P. 3

Note - tax expense for the year will be zero. But this needs to be accounted for and presented properly.

        Q2 (Nov. 20 & Nov. 21)

        An entity‖s accounting year ends on 31st December, but its tax year ends on 31  March. The entity publishes

        an interim financial report for each quarter of the year ended 31  December, 2019. The entity‖s profit before
        tax is steady at Rs10,000 each quarter, and the estimated effective tax rate is 25% for the year ended 31

        March, 2019 and 30% for the year ended 31    March, 2020.
        How the related tax charge would be calculated for the year 2019 and its quarters.

                 Table showing computation of tax charge:
                                    Quarter     Quarter    Quarter ending   Quarter ending              st
                                                                                           Year ending 31
                                  ending31 Mar ending30 Ju   th              st
                                                          30   September,  31  December,
                                                                                           December, 2019
                                    ch, 2019    ne, 2019
                                                                2019            2019
                                       Rs          Rs            Rs              Rs              Rs
                 Profit before tax   10,000      10,000        10,000          10,000          40,000
                   Tax charge       (2,500)     (3,000)        (3,000)         (3,000)         (11,500)

                                     7,500        7,000         7,000           7,000          28,500
                    Tax Rate          25%         30%           30%             30%

        Note: As per Ind AS 34, since an entity‖s accounting year is not the same as the tax year, more than one
        tax rate might apply during the accounting year. Accordingly, the entity should apply the effective tax rate

        for each interim period to the pre-tax result for that period.

        Q3 (Nov. 22)

        PQR  Ltd.  is  preparing  its  interim  financial  statements  for  quarter  3  of  the  year.  How  the  following

        transactions and events should be dealt with while preparing its interim financials:
        (i)  It makes employer contributions to government-sponsored insurance funds that are assessed on an annual
             basis. During Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 larger amount of payments for this contribution were made, while

             during the Quarter 3 minor payments were made (since contribution is made upto a certain maximum
             level  of  earnings  per  employee  and  hence  for  higher  income  employees,  the  maximum  income  reaches
             before year end).
        (ii)  The entity intends to incur major repair and renovation expense for the office building. For this purpose, it
             has started seeking quotations from vendors. It also has tentatively identified a vendor and expected costs
             that will be incurred for this work.

        (iii)  The company has a practice of declaring bonus of 10% of its annual operating profits every year. It has a
             history of doing so.
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