Page 7 - 22. COMPILER QB - INDAS 34
P. 7

        Q6 (November 18 – 5 Marks)

        Navya Limited manufacturer of ceramic tiles has shown a net profit of Rs. 15,00,000 for the first quarter of
        2018-2019. Following adjustments were made while computing the net profit:
        (i)  Bad debts of Rs. 1,64,000 incurred during the quarter. 75% of the bad debts have been deferred for the

             next three quarters (25% for each quarter).

        (ii)  Sales promotion expenses of Rs. 5,00,000 incurred in the first quarter and 90% expenses deferred to the
             next three quarters (30% for each quarter) on the basis that the sales in these quarters will be high in

             comparison to first quarter.
        (iii) Additional depreciation of Rs. 3,50,000 resulting from the change in the method of depreciation has been

             taken into consideration.
        (iv) Extra-ordinary loss of Rs. 1,36,000 incurred during the quarter has been fully recognized in this quarter.

        Discuss  the  treatment  required  under  Ind  AS  34  and  ascertain  the  correct  net  profit  to  be  shown  in  the
        Interim Financial report of first quarter to be presented to the Board of Directors.


        As per Ind AS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, the quarterly net profit should be adjusted and restated as

        (i)  Bad debts of Rs. 1,64,000 have been incurred during the current quarter. Out of this, the company has
             deferred  75%  i.e.  Rs.  1,23,000  to  the  next  3  quarters.  This  treatment  is  not  correct  as  the  expenses

             incurred  during  an  interim  reporting  period  should  be  recognised  in  the  same  period  unless  conditions

             mentioned in Ind AS 34 are fulfilled. Accordingly, Rs. 1,23,000 should be deducted from the net profit of
             the current quarter Rs. 15,00,000.
        (ii)   Deferment  of  sales  promotion  expenses  of  Rs.  4,50,000  is  not  correct.  It  should  be  charged  in  the

             quarter in which the expenses have been incurred. Hence, it should be charged in the first quarter only.

        (iii) Recognising additional depreciation of Rs. 3,50,000 in the same quarter is correct and is in tune with Ind
             AS 34.

        (iv) The treatment of extraordinary loss of Rs. 1,36,000 being recognised in the same quarter is correct.
        Thus, considering the above, the correct net profits to be shown in the Interim Financial Report of the third

        quarter shall be Rs. 15,00,000 – Rs. 1,23,000 – Rs. 4,50,000 = Rs. 9,27,000.

        Q7 (November 20 – 6 Marks) – (Similar to Q5)

        Lal Ltd. provides you the following information for financial year 2019 — 20:
        Estimated Income for the year ended March 31st, 2020:

                            Gross Annual income                                  ₹16,50,000
                            (inclusive of Estimated Capital Gains of ₹ 4,00,000)
                            Quarter I                                            ₹3,50,000
                            Quarter II                                           ₹4,00,000
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