Page 27 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
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rate of similar instrument with a similar credit rating. Any additional amount lent is an expense or reduction
        of income unless it qualifies for recognition as some other type of asset”.

        Further, Ind AS 109 states that:
        “After initial recognition, an entity shall measure a financial asset at:
        a.  amortised cost;
        b.  fair value through other comprehensive income; or
        c.  fair value through profit or loss.

        Further, Ind AS 109 states that:
        “Interest  revenue  shall  be  calculated  by  using  the  effective  interest  method.  This  shall  be  calculated  by
        applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of a financial asset Ind AS 19 states that:
        “Employee  Benefits  are  all  forms  of  consideration  given  by  an  entity  in  exchange  for  service  rendered  by

        employees or for the termination of employment”.

        The Accountant of Pluto Ltd. has recognised the staff loan in the balance sheet at Rs. 10 lakhs being the
        amount disbursed and Rs. 40,000 as interest income for the period is recognised at the contracted rate in the
        statement of profit and loss which is not correct and not in accordance with Ind AS 19, Ind AS 32 and Ind
        AS 109.

        Accordingly,  the  staff  advance  being  a  financial  asset  shall  be  initially  measured  at  the  fair  value  and
        subsequently at the amortised cost. The interest income is calculated by using the effective interest method.
        The difference between the amount lent and fair value is charged as Employee benefit expense in statement

        of profit and loss.
        a)  Calculation of Fair Value of the Loan
                           Year            Cash Inflow        Discounting Factor    Present Value
                             1               2,40,000               0.909              2,18,160

                             2               2,32,000               0.826              1,91,632
                             3               2,24,000               0.751              1,68,224
                             4               2,16,000               0.683              1,47,528

                             5               2,08,000               0.621              1,29,168

        Staff loan should be initially recorded at Rs. 8,54,712.

        Q17 (October 19 – 8 Marks)

        Croton Limited is engaged in the business of trading commodities. The company’s main assets are investments
        in equity shares, preference shares, bonds, non-convertible debenture (NCD) and mutual funds.
        The Company collects the periodical income (i.e. interest, dividend, etc.) from the investments and regularly
        sells the investment in case of favorable market conditions. Such investments have been classified as non-

        current investments in the financial statements.
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