Page 31 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 31

Date                            Particulars                         Debit      Credit
                                     To Preference Shares A/c                                     38,260

                               (Being interest as per EIR method recorded)
                               Preference shares A/c           Dr.                     150,000
                31-Mar-20X6          To Bank A/c                                                  150,000

                               (Being  Dividend  at  the  coupon  rate  of  10%  paid  to  the

                31-Mar-20X6    Finance cost A/c                   Dr.                  20,506
                                     To Preference Shares A/c                                     20,506
                               (Being interest as per EIR method recorded)
                31-Mar-20X6    Equity Component of Preference shares A/c      Dr.      977,233

                                     To Equity Share Capital A/c                                  50,000
                                     To Securities Premium A/c                                    927,233

                               (Being  Preference  shares  converted  in  equity  shares  &
                               remaining  equity  component  is  recognised  as  securities

        Q19 (May 20 – 10 Marks)

        Blueberry Ltd entered into the following transactions during the year ended 31  March, 20X2:
        (a)  Entered  into  a  speculative  interest  rate  option  costing  Rs.  10,000  on  1st  April,  20X0  to  borrow  Rs.
             6,000,000 from Exon Bank commencing 30th June, 20X2 for 6 months at 4%.
             The value of the option at 31st March.20X2 was Rs. 15,250.
        (b)  Purchased  6%  debentures  in  Fox  Ltd  on  1st  April,  20X1  (their  issue  date)  for  Rs.  150,000  as  an
             investment.  Blueberry  Ltd.  intends  to  hold  the  debentures,  until  their  redemption  at  a  premium,  in  5

             years’ time. The effective rate of interest of the bond is 8%.
        (c)  Purchased 50,000 shares in Cox Ltd on 1st October, 20X2 for Rs. 3.50 each as an investment. The share
             price on 31st March, 20X2 was Rs. 3.75.
        Show the accounting treatment and relevant extracts from the financial statements for the year ended 31st

        March, 20X2 of transactions related to financial instruments. Blueberry Ltd designates financial assets at fair
        value through Profit or loss only when this is unavoidable.
        Balance Sheet as at 31 March, 20X2(Extracts)
                              Financial Assets:                                      Rs.
                              Interest rate option (W.N.1)                          15,250

                              6% Debentures in Fox Ltd. (W.N.2)                    1,53,000
                              Shares in Cox Ltd. (W.N.3)                           1,87,500
                              Statement of Profit and Loss (Extracts)

                              Finance Income:
                              Gain on interest rate option (W.N.1)                  5,250
                              Effective interest on 6% Debentures (W.N.2)           12,000

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