Page 32 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 32

Working Notes:
        1.  Interest rate option
        This is a derivative and so it must be treated as at fair value through profit or loss

                                             Particulars                   Rs.        Rs.
                              Initial measurement (at cost)
                              Financial Asset                              Dr.   10,000

                                  To Cash A/c                                        10,000
        At 31 March, 20X2
                                              Particulars                         Rs.      Rs.

                         (Re-measured to fair value)
                         Financial Asset (Rs. 15,250 - Rs.10,000)       Dr.      5,250
                             To Profit and loss A/c                                       5,250

        Financial Assets (Rs.10,000 + Rs.5,250)             = Rs. 15,250 (Balance Sheet)
        Gain on interest option                             = Rs. 5,250 (Statement of Profit and Loss)

        2.  Debentures

        On the basis of information provided, this can be treated as a held-to-maturity investment
                                              Particulars                         Rs.       Rs.
                        Initial measurement (at cost) Financial Asset Dr.       1,50,000
                             To Cash A/c                                                  1,50,000

        At 31  March, 20X2 (Amortized cost)
                                              Particulars                    Rs.       Rs.
                             Financial Asset (Rs.1,50,000 x 8%) Dr.         12,000

                                  To Finance Income                                   12,000
                             Cash (Rs. 1,50,000 x 6%)            Dr.        9,000
                                  To Financial asset                                  9,000
        Amortized cost at 31st March, 20X2
        (Rs. 150,000 + Rs. 12,000 – Rs. 9,000)            = Rs. 153,000 (Balance Sheet)
        Effective interest on 6% debenture                = Rs. 12,000 (Statement of Profit and Loss)

        3.  Shares in Cox Ltd.
        These are treated as an available for sale financial asset (shares cannot normally be held to maturity and
        they are clearly not loans or receivables)
                                              Particulars                       Rs.       Rs.
                           Initial measurement (at cost)
                           Financial Asset (Rs. 50,000 x Rs.3.50)     Dr.     1,75,000
                                  To Cash A/c                                           1,75,000
        At 31st March, 20X2 (Re-measured at fair value)

                                               Particulars                           Rs.      Rs.
                       Financial Asset [(Rs. 50,000 x 3.75) – 1,75,000]  Dr.        12,500
                               To Equity A/c                                                 12,500
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