Page 28 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
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Also, the company buys and sells equity shares of companies for earning short term profits from the stock
        The  CFO  of  the  company  classified  all  the  non-current  investments  as  Fair  Value  Through  Other

        Comprehensive  Income  (FVTOCI)  and  all  the  current  investment  as  Fair  value  Through  Profit  and  Loss
        Croton Limited raised the following queries:
        (a) Can the Company classify the equity shares previously held under current investment as FVTOCI if the
        company decides to hold them for more than one-year (i.e. classify it as non-current)?

        (b) The Company had classified NCDs with a maturity period of less than twelve months from the reporting
        period as current. This has been classified as FVTPL by the CFO of the company. The Company wants to
        know whether these NCDs can be recognized as FVTOCI?

        (a) It seems that the equity shares are acquired for the purpose of selling it in the near term and therefore
        are  held  for  trading.  Such  investments  have  been  appropriately  classified  as  subsequently  measured  at  fair
        value through profit or loss. Such investments in equity shares cannot be classified as subsequently measured
        at fair value through other comprehensive income. The option to measure investment in equity shares at fair

        value through other comprehensive income has to be made at initial recognition. Therefore, equity shares that
        were held for trading previously cannot be reclassified to fair value through other comprehensive income due to
        change in business model to not held for trading.

        (b) In absence of contractual terms of NCDs, it is assumed that the contractual terms give rise on specified
        dates  to  cash  flows  that  are  solely  payment  of  principal  and  interest  on  the  principal  outstanding.  The
        business model also includes sales of these instruments on a regular basis. Hence, these instruments will be
        classified as FVTOCI. Therefore, such NCD investments shall be classified as subsequently measured at Fair
        Value  through  Other  Comprehensive  Income.  The  classification  does  not  change  based  on  whether  the
        investment is current or non-current as the end of the reporting period. It seems the company has previously

        classified these investments at fair value through profit or loss. The company must rectify this by reclassifying
        as FVTOCI.

        Q18 (MTP October 19 & MTP October 21 – 12 Marks)

        ABC Company issued 10,000 compulsory cumulative convertible preference shares (CCCPS) as on 1 April 20X1
        @ Rs 150 each. The rate of dividend is 10% payable every year. The preference shares are convertible into
        5,000 equity shares of the company at the end of 5th year from the date of allotment. When the CCCPS are

        issued,  the  prevailing  market  interest  rate  for  similar  debt  without  conversion  options  is  15%  per  annum.
        Transaction cost on the date of issuance is 2% of the value of the proceeds.
        Key terms:
                         Date of Allotment                                         01-Apr-20X1
                         Date of Conversion                                       01-Apr-20X6
                         Number of Preference Shares                                 10,000
                         Face Value of Preference Shares                               150
                         Total Proceeds                                             15,00,000
                         Rate of dividend                                             10%

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