Page 2 - 25. COMPILER QB - IND AS 108
P. 2

INDAS 108 –

                                     OPERATING SEGMENTS

                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 8)

                               S.No.                  Particulars                 Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                   25.1
                                2                  MTP Questions                    25.3

                                3               Past Exam Questions                 25.6

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (May 19)

        An entity uses the weighted average cost formula to assign costs to inventories and cost of goods sold for
        financial reporting purposes, but the reports provided to the chief operating decision maker use the First-In,
        First-Out (FIFO) method for evaluating the performance of segment operations. Which cost formula should be
        used for Ind AS 108 disclosure purposes?

        The entity should use the First-In, First-Out (FIFO) method for its Ind AS 108 disclosures, even though it
        uses  the  weighted  average  cost  formula  for  measuring  inventories  for  inclusion  in  its  financial  statements.
        Where the chief operating decision maker uses only one measure of segment asset, the same measure should

        be  used  to  report  segment  information.  Accordingly,  in  the  given  case,  the  method  used  in  preparing  the
        financial information for the chief operating decision maker should be used for reporting under Ind AS 108.
        However, reconciliation between the segment results and results as per financial statements needs to be given
        by the entity in its segment report.

        Q2 (May 20)
        ABC Limited has 5 operating segments namely A, B, C, D and E. The profit/ loss of respective segments for
        the year ended March 31, 20X1 are as follows:

                                        Segment                   Profit/(Loss) (Rs in crore)
                                            A                               780
                                            B                              1,500
                                            C                             (2,300)
                                            D                             (4,500)
                                            E                              6,000
                                          Total                            1,480
                                                                                                       25. 1
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