Page 7 - 25. COMPILER QB - IND AS 108
P. 7


        Q5 (Exam May 18 & MTP April 22 – 10 Marks)

        Seeds  Ltd.  is  operating  in  the  oil  industry.  Its  business  segments  comprise  crushing  and  refining.  Certain
        information for financial year 2017-18 is given below:
                                                                                                     (Rs in lakh)
                  Segments      External    Tax       Other Operating     Result   Assets     Liabilities
                                  Sale                    Income
                   Crushing     1,00,000    2,500         20,000          5,000     25,000      15,000
                   Refining      35,000     1,500          7,500          2,000     15,000      5,000

        Additional Information: (Rs in lakh)
        ❖  Unallocated revenue net of expenses is Rs 1,500.
        ❖  Interest and bank charges is Rs 1,000
        ❖  Income-tax expense is Rs 1,000 (current tax Rs 975 and deferred tax Rs 25)
        ❖  Investments Rs 5,000 and unallocated assets Rs 5,000

        ❖  Unallocated  liabilities,  Reserves  &  Surplus  and  Share  capital  are  Rs  10,000;  Rs  15,000  and  Rs  5,000
        ❖  Depreciation amounts for crushing and refining are Rs 500 and Rs 150 respectively.
        ❖  Capital expenditure for crushing and refining are Rs 2,500 and Rs 1,000 respectively.
        ❖  Revenue from outside India is Rs 15,000 and segment assets outside India Rs 5,000.
        Based on the above information, how Seeds Ltd. would disclose information about reportable segment revenue,

        profit or loss, assets and liabilities for financial year 2017-18?

        (1) Segment revenues, results and other information
                                                                                    (Rs in lakh)
                                      Revenue                         Coating     Others       Total
                  1.    External sales (gross)                        1,00,000    35,000      1,35,000
                  Tax                                                 (2,500)     (1,500)     (4,000)
                  External sales (net)                                97,500      33,500      1,31,000
                  Other operating income                              20,000       7,500       27,500
                  Total Revenue                                       1,17,500     41,000     1,58,500
                  2.    Results
                  Segment results                                      5,000       2,000       7,000
                  Unallocated income (net of unallocated expenses)                             1,500

                  Profit  from  operation  before  interest,  taxation  and                    8,500
                  exceptional items
                  Interest and bank charges                                                   (1,000)
                  Profit before exceptional items                                              7,500
                  Exceptional items                                                             Nil
                  Profit before taxation                                                       7,500
                  Less: Income Taxes
                  Current taxes                                                                (975)
                  Deferred taxes                                                               (25)
                  Profit after taxation                                                        6,500
                                                                                                       25. 6
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