Page 5 - 25. COMPILER QB - IND AS 108
P. 5

Q4 (March 21 – 6 Marks)

        T Ltd is engaged in the transport sector, running a fleet of buses at different routes. T Ltd has identified 3
        operating segments:
        Segment 1: Local Route
         -  Segment 2:  Inter-city Route

         -  Segment 3: Contract Hiring
        The characteristics of each segment are as under:
        Segment  1:  The  local  transport  authority  awards  the  contract  to  ply  the  buses  at  different  routes  for
        passengers.  These  contracts  are  awarded  following  a  competitive  tender  process;  the  ticket  price  paid  by
        passengers is controlled by the local transport authority. T Ltd would charge the local transport authority on a

        per kilometer basis.
        Segment 2: T Ltd operates buses from one city to another, prices are set by T Ltd on the basis of services
        provided (Deluxe, Luxury or Superior).
        Segment 3: T Ltd also leases buses to schools under a long-term arrangement.
        While Segment 1 has been showing significant decline in profitability, Segment 2 is performing well in respect
        of  higher  revenues  and  improved  margins.  The  management  of  the  company  is  not  sure  why  the  segment

        information is relevant for users when they should only be concerned about the returns from overall business.
        They would like to aggregate the Segment 1 and Segment 2 for reporting under ‘Operating Segment’
        Whether it is appropriate to aggregate Segments 1 and 2 with reference to Ind AS 108 ‘Operating Segments’?

        Discuss, in the above context, whether disclosure of segment information is relevant to an investor’s appraisal
        of financial statements?

        Ind  AS  108  ‘Operating  Segments’  requires  operating  segments  to  be  aggregated  to  present  a  reportable
        segment if the segments have similar economic characteristics, and the segments are similar in each of the
        following aggregation criteria:
         (a)  The nature of the products and services

         (b)  The nature of the production process
         (c)  The type or class of customer for their products and services
         (d)  The methods used to distribute their products or provide their services
         (e)  If applicable, the nature of the regulatory environment
        While the products and services are similar, the customers for those products and services are different.

        In Segment 1, the decision to award the contract is in the hands of the local authority, which also sets prices
        and pays for the services. The company is not exposed to passenger revenue risk, since a contract is awarded
        by competitive tender.
        On the other hand, in the inter-city segment, the customer determines whether a bus route is economically
        viable  by  choosing  whether  or  not  to  buy  tickets.  T  Ltd  sets  the  ticket  prices  but  will  be  affected  by

        customer behavior or feedback. T Ltd is exposed to passenger revenue-risk, as it sets prices which customers
        may or may not choose to pay.
        Operating  Segment  provides  information  that  makes  the  financial  statements  more  useful  to  investors.  In
        making the investment decisions, investors and creditors consider the returns they are likely to make on their
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