Page 18 - 27. COMPILER QB - IND AS 7
P. 18

Goodwill                                    9,000
                                 Cash consideration paid                     37,000
        You are required to prepare the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the financial year ended March 31st,
        2020 in accordance with Ind AS 7.

        Cash flow Statement for 31st March 2020

        Cash from operating activities:
                              Net profit after tax                                 27,500
                              Adjustment for non-cash / non-operating items:
                              Provision for tax                                     7,500
                              Depreciation                                         15,000
                              Interest                                              2,000
                              Adjustment for changes in working capital:
                              Trade receivables (25000+4000-27000)                  2,000
                              Inventories (17500+2000-15000)                        4,500
                              Trade payables (30000+16000-34000)                  (12,000)
                              Cash flow from operations                            46,500
                              Less: Tax paid (5500+7500-6000)                      (7,000)
                              Cash flow from Operating Activities (A)              39,500

        Cash flow from investing activities
                                 Subsidiary acquired (37000 – 1000)            (36,000)
                                 Cash flow from investing activities (B)       (36,000)
        Cash flow from financing activities
                                  Interest paid                                 (2,000)
                                  Cash flow from financing activities (C)       (2,000)
        Cash flow Statements –
                                Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents       2,500
                                Net increase in cash and cash equivalents. (a + b + c)   1,500
                                Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents       4,000

        Q13 (December 21 – 6 Marks)

        In the year 2021-22, One Land was sold for Rs. 5 Crores and another land purchased for Rs. 3 Crores by XYZ
        Limited.  The  company  reported  cash  flow  on  a  net  basis  in  the  cash  flow  statement  i.e.  Rs.  2  Crores  in
        Investing  Activity  as  cash  receipt  from  the  sale  of  land.  Advise  whether  the  treatment  given  as  above  is
        correct as per provisions of IND AS 7. Also, calculate the cash flow from operations from indirect method from
        the following information:

                         Operating Statement of XYZ Limited for the year ended March 31, 2021
                                           Particulars                                    Amount
                 Sales                                                                   20,00,000
                 Less: Cost of Goods Sold                                                14,00,000
                       Administration and selling overheads                              2,20,000
                       Depreciation                                                       28,000
                       Interest paid                                                      12,000

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