Page 2 - 29. COMPILER QB - IND AS 10
P. 2



                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 7)


                               S.No.                 Particulars                  Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                   29.1
                                2                  MTP Questions                    29.5
                                3               Past Exam Questions                 29.7

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (RTP May 18)
        Mac Ltd. purchased goods on credit from Toy Ltd. for Rs 580 lakhs for export. The export order was cancelled.
        Mac Ltd. decided to sell the same goods in the local market with a price discount. Toy Ltd. was requested to

        offer a price discount of Rs 10%. Toy Ltd. wants to adjust the sales figure to the extent of the discount
        requested by Mac Ltd. Discuss whether such a treatment in the books of Toy Ltd. is justified as per the
        provisions of the relevant Ind AS.
        Also, Toy Ltd. entered into a sale deed for its Land on 15th March, 20X1. But registration was done with the
        registrar on 20th April, 20X1. But before registration, is it possible to recognize the sale and the gain at the

        balance sheet date? Give reasons in support of your answer.

        Toy Ltd. had sold goods to Mac Ltd on credit worth for Rs. 580 lakhs and the sale was completed in all
        respects.  Mac  Ltd.'s  decision  to  sell  the  same  in  the  domestic  market  at  a  discount  does  not  affect  the
        amount recorded as sales by Toy Ltd.
        The price discount of 10% offered by Toy Ltd. after request of Mac Ltd. was not in the nature of a discount
        given during the ordinary course of trade because otherwise the same would have been given at the time of
        sale itself. However, there appears to be an uncertainty relating to the collectability of the debt, which has

        arisen  subsequent  to  sale.  Therefore,  it  would  be  appropriate  to  make  a  separate  provision  to  reflect  the
        uncertainty relating to collectability rather than to adjust the amount of revenue originally recorded. Hence
        such discount should be charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss and not shown as deduction from the
        sales figure.

        With respect to sale of land, both sale and gain on sale of land earned by Toy Ltd. shall be recognized in the
        books at the balance sheet date. In substance, the land was transferred with significant risk & rewards of
        ownership  to  the  buyer  before  the  balance  sheet  date  and  what  was  pending  was  merely  a  formality  to

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