Page 3 - 29. COMPILER QB - IND AS 10
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register the deed. The registration post the balance sheet date only confirms the condition of sale at the
        balance sheet date as per Ind AS 10 “Events after the Reporting Period.”

        Q2 (RTP May 19)
        XYZ  Ltd.  was  formed  to  secure  the  tenders  floated  by  a  telecom  company  for  publication  of  telephone

        directories. It bagged the tender for publishing directories for Pune circle for 5 years. It has made a profit in
        2013-2014,  2014-2015,  2015-2016  and  2016-2017.  It  bid  in  tenders  for  publication  of  directories  for  other
        circles – Nagpur, Nashik, Mumbai, Hyderabad but as per the results declared on 23rd April, 2017, the company
        failed to bag any of these. Its only activity till date is publication of the Pune directory. The contract for
        publication of directories for Pune will expire on 31st December 2017. The financial statements for the F.Y.

        2016-17 have been approved by the Board of Directors on July 10, 2017.
        Whether it is appropriate to prepare financial statements on a going concern basis?

        With regard to going concern basis to be followed for preparation of financial statements, Ind AS 10 provides
        as follows:
        “An  entity  shall  not  prepare  its  financial  statements  on  a going  concern  basis  if  management  determines
        after the reporting period either that it intends to liquidate the entity or to cease trading, or that it has no

        realistic alternative but to do so.
        Deterioration  in  operating  results  and  financial  position  after  the  reporting  period  may  indicate  a  need  to
        consider  whether  the  going  concern  assumption  is  still  appropriate.  If  the  going  concern  assumption  is  no
        longer appropriate, the effect is so pervasive that this Standard requires a fundamental change in the basis of
        accounting, rather than an adjustment to the amounts recognised within the original basis of accounting.”
        In accordance with the above, an entity needs to change the basis of accounting if the effect of deterioration

        in  operating  results  and  financial  position  is  so  pervasive  that  management  determines  after  the  reporting
        period either that it intends to liquidate the entity or to cease trading, or that it has no realistic alternative
        but to do so.
        In the instant case, since contract is expiring on 31st December 2017 and it is confirmed on 23rd April, 2017,
        i.e., after the end of the reporting period and before the approval of the financial statements, that no further

        contact is secured, implies that the entity’s operations are expected to come to an end. Accordingly, if an
        entity's operations are expected to come to an end, the entity needs to make a judgement as to whether it
        has  any  realistic  possibility  to  continue  or  not.  In  case,  the  entity  determines  that  it  has  no  realistic
        alternative of continuing the business, preparation of financial statements for 2016-17 and thereafter on-going
        concern basis may not be appropriate.

        Q3 (RTP Nov 19)

        ABC Ltd. received a demand notice on 15thJune, 2017 for an additional amount of Rs. 28,00,000 from the
        Excise Department on account of higher excise duty levied by the Excise Department compared to the rate at
        which the company was creating provision and depositing the same. The financial statements for the year
        2016-17 are approved on 10thAugust, 2017. In July, 2017, the company appealed against the demand of Rs.
        28,00,000   and   the   company had expected that the demand would be settled at Rs. 15,00,000only. Show
        how the above event will have a bearing on the financial statements for the year 2016-17. Whether these

        events are adjusting or non-adjusting events and explain the treatment accordingly.
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