Page 25 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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               1  April 2019 was Rs. 95 lakhs. The carrying amount as of 1  April 2019 under the existing GAAP was
               Rs. 42.75 lakhs.
        ii)    The company has recognized a provision for a proposed dividend of Rs. 5.7 lakhs and related dividend

               distribution tax of Rs. 1.65 Lakhs during the year ended 31  March 2019. It was written back as on
               the opening balance sheet date.
        iii)   The company had a non-integral foreign branch in accordance with AS 11 and had recognised a balance
               of Rs. 2 lakhs as part of reserves. On first time adoption of Ind AS, the company intends to avail Ind
               AS exemption of resetting the cumulative translation difference to zero.
        iv)    The company had made an investment in a subsidiary for Rs. 18.62 lakhs that carried a fair value of

               Rs. 25.75 lakhs as at the transition date. The company intends to recognize the investment at its fair
               value as at the date of transition.
        v)     The company has an Equity Share Capital of Rs. 760 lakhs and Redeemable Preference Share Capital
               of Rs. 180 lakhs. The company identified that the preference shares were in the nature of financial

        vi)    The  Reserves  and  Surplus  as  of  1   April  2019  before  the  transition  to  Ind  AS  was  Rs.  910  lakhs
               representing  Rs.  380  lakhs  of  general  reserve  and  Rs.  40  lakhs  of  Capital  Reserve  acquired  out  of
               business combination and balance is surplus in the Retained Earnings.
        What is the balance of total equity (Equity and other equity) as of 1  April 2019 after transitioning to Ind
        AS? Show reconciliation between Total Equity as per AS (Accounting Standards) and as per Ind AS to be

        presented in the opening balance sheet as on 1  April, 2019.
        Ignore deferred tax impact.

                   Computation of balance total equity as on 1st April, 2019 after transition to Ind AS
                                                                                                 Rs. in lakh
             Share capital- Equity share Capital                                                   760.00
             Other Equity
              General Reserve                                                          380.00
              Capital Reserve                                                          40.00
              Retained Earnings (910.00 – 380.00 – 40.00)                    490.00

                Add: Increase in value of land (95.00 – 42.75)               52.25
               Add: Derecognition of proposed dividend (5.70 + 1.65)          7.35
               Add:  Transfer  of  cumulative  translation  difference  balance  to
                    retained earnings                                         2.00
               Add: Increase in value of Investment (25.75 – 18.62)           7.13     558.73      978.73
             Balance total equity as on 1st April, 2019 after transition to Ind AS                 1,738.73

        Reconciliation between Total Equity as per AS and Ind AS to be presented in the opening balance sheet
        as on 1st April, 2019

                                                                                                 Rs. in lakh
             Equity share capital                                                                  760.00
             Redeemable Preference share capital                                                   180.00
             Reserves and Surplus                                                                  910.00
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