Page 20 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
P. 20

Other current assets                          50,000            -             50,000
                TOTAL ASSETS                                85,00,000       5,40,000         90,40,000

                Equity share capital                         10,00,000          -            10,00,000
                Other equity                                25,00,000        7,90,000        32,90,000
                Non-current liabilities
                Financial liabilities
                       Borrowings (Note-7)                   4,50,000           -             4,50,000
                Provisions                                   3,50,000           -             3,50,000
                Deferred tax liabilities (Net)               3,50,000       (50,000)          3,00,000

                Current liabilities
                Financial liabilities
                       Trade payables                       22,00,000           -            22,00,000
                       Other financial liabilities           3,90,000           -             3,90,000
                Other current liabilities                     60,000            -             60,000
                Provisions (Note-8)                          12,00,000      (2,00,000)       10,00,000
                TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                85,00,000       5,40,000         90,40,000

                                               Retained Earnings (Rs)      Fair value reserve    Total
                    As at 31 March, 2018          27,90,000 (W.N.1)            5,00,000         32,90,000

        Working Note 1:

                   Retained earnings balance:
                   Balance as per Earlier GAAP                                              25,00,000

                   Transitional adjustment due to loan’s fair value                           10,000
                   Transitional adjustment due to increase in mutual fund’s fair value        30,000
                   Transitional adjustment due to decrease in deferred tax liability          50,000
                   Transitional adjustment due to decrease in provisions (dividend)          2,00,000

                   Total                                                                    27,90,000

        Disclosure forming part of financial statements:
        Proposed  dividend  on  equity  shares  is  subject  to  the  approval  of  the  shareholders  of  the  company  at  the

        annual general meeting and should not be recognized as liability as at the Balance Sheet date.
        Note 1: Property, plant & Equipment:
        As per Ind AS 101, an entity may elect to measure an item of property, plant and equipment at the date of
        transition to Ind AS at its fair value and use that fair value as its deemed cost at that date.
        It had to be applied for all items of property, plant and equipment. So, if the exemption is taken for buildings,
        Ind AS will have to be applied retrospectively for other assets as well. Since, an entity elect to measure an

        item of property, plant and equipment at the date of transition to Ind AS at its fair value and use that fair
        value  as  its deemed  cost  at  that  date,  it  is  assumed  that  the  carrying  amount  of  other  assets  based  on
        retrospective application of Ind AS is equal to their fair value of Rs. 10 lakhs.
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