Page 23 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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        Q11 (Nov. 18)

        Growth  Limited  on  1st  April,  2015  issued  50,000,  7%  convertible  debentures  of  face  value  of  Rs100  per
        debenture at par. The debentures are redeemable at a premium of 10% on 31st March, 2020 or these may be
        converted into ordinary shares at the option of the holder. The interest rate for equivalent debentures without
        conversion rights would have been 10%. The date of transition to Ind AS is 1st April, 2017.
        Suggest how Growth Limited should account for this compound financial instrument on the date of transition.

        Also discuss Ind AS on 'Financial Instrument' presentation in the above context.
        The present value of Rs1 receivable at the end of each year based on discount rates of 7% and 10% can be
        taken as:
                                        End of Year   1     2     3     4      5
                                            7%       0.94  0.87  0.82  0.76  0.71
                                            10%      0.91  0.83  0.75  0.68  0.62

        Since  the  liability  is  outstanding  on  the  date  of  Ind  AS  transition,  Growth  Ltd.  is  required  to  split  the
        convertible debentures into debt and equity portion on the date of transition. Accordingly, first the liability

        component will be measured discounting the contractually determined stream of future cash flows (interest
        and principal) to present value by using the discount rate of 10% p.a. (being the market interest rate for
        similar debentures with no conversion option)
                            Calculation of Equity & Liability component on initial recognition
        Present Interest payments for 5 years on debentures by applying annuity factor [(50,000 x 7% x 100) x   13,26,500
        PV of principal repayment (including premium) (50,000x110x0.62)                                  34,10,000
        Total liability component                                                                        47,36,500
        Total equity component (Balancing figure)                                                        2,63,500
        Total proceeds from issue of Debentures                                                          50,00,000
        Thus,  on  the  date  of  transition,  the  amount  of  Rs50,00,000  being  the  amount  of  debentures  will  split  as

                                                   Debt    Rs 47,36,500
                                                   Equity   Rs 2,63,500

        Q12 (July 21)

        Government of India provides loans to MSMEs at a below-market rate of interest to fund the set-up of a
        new manufacturing facility. Sukshma Limited's date of transition to Ind AS is 1 April 2020.
        In financial year 2014-2015, the Company had received a loan of Rs. 2.0 crore at a below - market rate of
        interest from the government. Under Indian GAAP, the Company had accounted for the loan as equity and
        the carrying amount was Rs. 2.0 crore at the date of transition. The amount repayable on 31 March 2024
        will be Rs. 2.50 crore.

        The Company has been advised to recognize the difference of Rs. 0.50 crores in equity by correspondingly
        increasing  the  value  of  various  assets  under  property,  plant  &  equipment  by  an  equivalent  amount  on

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