Page 12 - 32. ANALYSIS OF FS
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as per AS 26.             transition  to  use  the  carrying  value
                                         as per previous GAAP.

                                                  Issue 6: Deferred tax

                       Accounting Standards             Ind AS           Impact on company’s financial
                         (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                        statements
                    As per AS, deferred taxes are  As  per  Ind  AS,  deferred  On the date of transition to Ind
                    accounted  as  per  income  taxes are accounted as per  AS,  deferred  tax  liability  would
                    statement approach         balance sheet approach.   be increased by Rs. 25,000.

                                         Journal Entry on the date of transition
                                       Particulars                    Debt (Rs.)      Credit (Rs.)
                       Retained earnings                      Dr.       25,000
                              To Deferred tax liability                                  25,000

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