Page 10 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
P. 10

Ind AS 38

        Question 12

        An  entity  has  an  intangible  asset  in  the  form  of  a  product  protected  by  patented  technology  which  is
        expected to be a source of net cash inflows for at least 15 years. It has been recognised in the books on
        initial date at Rs. 12,00,000. The entity has a commitment from a third party to purchase that patent in five
        years for 60 per cent of the fair value of the patent at the date it was acquired, and the entity intends to

        sell the patent in five years. Company is amortising the asset in 15 years considering its residual value to be
        Zero. Annual amortization charged to Profit and Loss is Rs. 80,000. State, whether the accounting treatment
        done by the Company is in accordance with Ind AS 38? If not, then calculate the annual amortization of the
        intangible asset and also the amount at which it will be reflected in the balance sheet.

        Ind AS 115

        Question 13
        A Ltd. owns 20 resorts across India. Every customer who stays in any of the resorts owned by A Ltd. is
        entitled to get points on the basis of total amount paid by him. Under this scheme, 1 point is granted for
        every Rs. 100 spent for stay in the resort. As per the past experience of A Ltd., the likelihood of exercise of

        the points is 100% and the standalone price of each such point is Rs. 5. Customer X spends Rs. 10,000 in one
        of the resorts of A Ltd. What is the accounting treatment for the points granted by A Ltd.?

        Ind AS 105

        Question 14

        Company A has financial year ending 31st March, 20X0. On 1st June, 20X0, the Company has classified its
        Division B as held for sale in accordance with Ind AS 105. How property, plant and equipment (PPE) for which
        the company has adopted cost model shall be measured immediately before the classification as held for sale
        on 1st June, 20X0?

        Ind AS 37

        Question 15
        HVCL  manufactures  heavy  equipment  for  construction  industry.  An  order  for  supply  of  90  equipment  was

        received from ABIL. The unit price of the equipment was agreed at Rs. 190 lakhs each. 64 equipment was
        supplied during the year 20X1-20X2 and balance quantity remaining to be supplied as on 31.3.20X2. HVCL has
        5 equipment in its inventory as on 31.3.20X2. HVCL considered that the contract was an onerous contract and
        therefore, the net realisable value of inventory has been taken as value of inventory as on 31.3.20X2.
        The management of HVCL contends that costs incurred towards administrative overheads, finance charges, R
        &  D  expenses,  sales  overhead,  head  quarter  expenditure  etc.,  are  considered  as  period  cost  and  hence  not

        considered  for  creation  of  provision.  Hence,  the  same  have  not  been  included  in  the  computation  of
        unavoidable cost.
        The  management  of  HVCL  has  submitted  the  details  of  costs  that  have  been  considered  for  creation  of
        provision towards onerous contract:
        o    Material  cost  -  includes  cost  of  material  procured,  cost  of  freight  &  insurance  incurred  for  material

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